I nodded. “The blood mages are just as likely to turn on us as they are to help us.”

“Just like the other mages.” Camille shrugged. “I say that we first win the war against the Quiet King, and then. . .plan to battle anyone else that comes for us.”

I stiffened. “Very risky.”

Camille held out her hands. “What else can we do? This is about oppression and survival, freedom and violence. For my daughters, I would learn whatever I need and deal with the consequences later.”

It was hard to not admire her bravery and determination. She was willing to take risks and make sacrifices for the greater good.

Meanwhile, I couldn’t say the same for myself. I had finally been freed from the sewers, returned to being a healthy vampire, and had a taste of her.

I did not want to lose this new life or her.

Xander leaned forward. “We cannot afford to make any mistakes. The cost of failure could mean the end of all of us.”

Camille nodded. “I understand the risk. But there is no other choice. We must secretly train the blood mages and bring them on.”

“We would need to be very cautious.” I checked the windows, worried that the Ground Mover may have spies monitoring us.

If I were him, I would.

Xander set his fork down on his now empty plate. “How can we get the blood mages and train them without Spenrik, Tru, or even the Ground Mover knowing?”

“We will figure out a way.” Camille shrugged. “But for now, I will talk to Seraphine, convince her to stay, and start training everyone in secret.”

We are really going to do this?

I tapped my finger on the table. “Alright. I will make sure our defenses are strong in case of an attack from the mages upon hearing about our plan.”

“I have been. . .talking a lot to the remaining guards of the Quiet King.” Leeta walked over to the table. “I want to help as much as possible. I could gather information on the Quiet King’s army and their tactics.”

Xander put his view on her. “But, can I trust you?”

Leeta frowned. “You know you can.”

Camille smiled. “I can trust Leeta, and I forgive her for what happened. Xander, it’s time to do the same.”

“You almost died, Queen.”

“And yet, I live.”

But for how long?

A shiver ran through me.

If the Quiet King didn’t destroy us, then the mages would surely do the job.

“It’s settled.” Camille stood up from the table. Determination filled her eyes. “We will make this work.”

I rose. “Please, be careful.”

“Hold on.” Xander stood up as well. “Where are you going, Queen?”

She gestured to the door. “To talk to Seraphine and—”

“We need to establish the blood bond.” He licked his lips and headed her way. “The war and everything else must wait.”

“Xander, the bond can wait for a little bit as I—”

“It cannot.” Fast, he grabbed Camille’s waist, lifted her up, and stormed off.

As I watched Xander whisk Camille away, a grin spread across my face.

It was always a sight to behold, watching the connection between a vampire king and his queen in action.

Xander strode toward the stairs leading up to the sleeping quarters, his pace quick and determined. I could feel the intensity of his desire, his need to claim his queen and bind himself to her in every possible way.

Soon, they disappeared.

Oh, the power of queen.

I chuckled to myself and turned back to Leeta. There was much work to do if we were to emerge victorious.

The war with the Quiet King loomed.

Chapter 30

Soul Bond


Camille chuckled in my hold. “This could have waited.”

“I already told you that it could not.” Holding her closely, I made my way up the stairs.

My heart raced with anticipation. I was eager to make love to her, to feel the warmth of her body against mine, and to bask again in the glow of our deep and powerful bond.

But at the same time, I couldn’t shake the nagging worry that had been haunting me for days. The impending war with the Quiet King weighed heavily on my mind, and I knew that the outcome would determine our fate.

And then there was Camille going off by herself and stepping right into danger.

How could she have been so reckless? Does she not know that I am nothing without her?

As if hearing my thoughts, Camille hugged me tight. “I am sorry about today. I will never do it again.”

I trembled. “I woke up scared. Terrified that the mages had taken you or someone had—”

“Don’t finish it, Xander.” She placed a kiss on my cheek. “I am still here.”

When I reached the top of the stairs, I kicked the door open and carried Camille into our private chambers. The scent of rose petals and jasmine flowed in the air.

The door slammed back behind us.

She chuckled. “Xander, just the bond, nothing else.”