Dear Ambi!

How many years had my brother desecrated her death and his body?

He is really no longer my brother.

His mind had been gone for such a long time. And perhaps this was why he had so much power. He’d been drinking cursed blood enchanted with death and wicked magic.

“He drained me every day since that moment,” Ground Mover continued. “And then one night, Xander came to free the elf in the cell across from me.”

“I’d been paid by the little elf’s family,” Xander added.

“Yet without any money or offer of treasures, you broke through as many cells as you could, including mine, and freed us all on that level.” Ground Mover clamped his hands together. “I will never forget that.”

Xander looked uncomfortable with the praise.

The Ground Mover quirked his brows. “How is it that you’ve come to my land? And more important. . .how can I help you?”

“Father?” Tru stepped forward and gave him a sad smile. “You are no longer the chief. I am—”

“This man saved our tribe by bringing me and others back.” The Ground Mover held up his hand. “Due to that, we will help him.”

Tru nodded and stepped back.

I appreciated the deep respect she had for her father.

We just might get their help after all.

And it was thanks to Xander being a decent vampire.

I smiled at him.

This is why I wanted you to be king. You will be a worthy king.

“Speak to me, Xander. There is word of a Horned King that spilled blood in the Quiet King’s castle. I can see power in you, but. . .are you the Horned King?”

Xander frowned and gazed at the ground. “I am. . .apparently. . .this Horned King. However, I had reason to spill blood there—”

“I am sure you did.” The Ground Mover raised his view to his daughter. “Then Tribe Rock and Flame stands behind you. My daughter Tru will be marrying Spenrik. While they will soon be ruling both tribes together, I am the eldest of them both.”

Tru crossed her arms over her chest, but remained silent.

“Therefore, I can lead when I choose.” Ground Mover gave us all a warm smile. “I, too, would like to spill blood on the Quiet King’s land.”

Yes. I think we have Tribe Rock and Flame’s help.

Now hopefully all of the other tribes would follow.

“Thank you. All help will be appreciated.” Camille smiled.

Ground Mover’s gaze shifted back to Camille and then gazed at the words on her hands. His mouth dropped open.

The glow in his eyelids turned from green to white. “You’ve returned from death?”


She began to open her robe a little to show him some of the writing on her shoulder.

Xander growled. The noise shook the ground around him.

She cleared her throat. “Perhaps I can show you the symbols on my body later.”

Ground Mover chuckled. “Is this your queen, Xander?”

“Yes.” Xander’s fangs appeared.

“I told you that one day you will meet a woman that you could not turn away from. You said never, but I knew.” Ground Mover formed his lips into a mocking grin. “I’ll have my daughter Tru write the symbols on paper. Maybe I can read the language. I’ve been familiar with many old texts, but am not sure if I can still read it after all these years.”

“That would be good.” Camille bobbed her head. “Ressi talked to me when I died. I believe she wanted these writings to be the new religious text for all of our people.”

Ground Mover’s hands rose in the air. Then, he tilted his head up to face the sky. “As Ressi wishes, then it shall be so.”

Noise sounded behind us.

We turned to see Spenrik arriving.

The tall man headed over to Tru and held his hand out.

She took it.

He gazed at her looking like a man that was absolutely in love. “Did I miss anything important?”

“We are joining the war,” Tru said through clenched teeth.

A neutral expression passed over Spenrik’s face.

It appeared that Ground Mover truly was the leader when it mattered.

“Well then, let’s begin planning this.” Spenrik sat down and fanned his wolf skin out over his legs.

“And as you all plan, I will excuse myself.” Camille rose to a standing position and strolled over to me, her robe sliding against the black stone. “Ian, can we talk for a few minutes?”

Xander snarled. “Queen?”

She sighed. “It will just be for a few minutes.”

Alone with Camille?

Like Xander, I was not sure if it was a good idea either. With this sad news of Phinova, I would take her just to relieve myself from the pain.

Can I be trusted?

Camille repeated, “Can we talk, Ian?”

My voice sounded hoarse. “Yes.”

I’d like to do more than talk.

My groin heated.

Why does she do this to me with just a few words?

Camille glanced at Tru. “Is there a private place we can talk?”

“Go inside my father’s hut, and up the stairs to the third level. No one is in there right now.” Tru pointed. “That area is designated for you and your kings to sleep during the day.”