They came.

Spenrik continued to guide the others farther in the opposite direction.

My nerves flared, on edge at our group being divided, but there was no other choice.

We required their help and had to do what they said for now.

When Camille and Xander got to us, Tru and I continued forward.

Up ahead, a large violet stone hut stood at the end of the path. A cascade of feather strands, meticulously crafted from rich hues and buffed to a lustrous, gem-like finish, draped over the entrance of the stone dwelling.

There, an old man rested outside with his legs crossed and eyes closed. His long white beard flowed over his chest like waterfalls. His eyes were closed behind thick circular glasses.

“Father,” Tru hurried to him, “Why are you outside?”

This is her father, the Ground Mover.

His eyes opened to reveal nothing behind them but darkness. “I had a dream and Ambi said to wait out here because a Returned woman comes with red hair and skin as dark brown as the ground.”

Camille stepped forward. “I am her.”

Xander stopped next to Camille. “And it seems we know each other as well.”

“Xander the Pathfinder!” The Ground Mover’s dark eyes shifted to green light. The effect was odd, as if a green flame sat inside the core of his body. “You’ve changed. I knew you were more than you seemed, but not a vampire king.”

Xander kneeled in front of him and offered his hand. “Yes. It seems we both kept our secrets to ourselves.”

“Yes, we did.” The Ground Mover nodded. “I hope you understand why I kept my secret.”

Xander smiled. “And I hope you understand why I kept mine.”

“I do.” The Ground Mover put his attention on Camille and sniffed the air. “And you are a blood mage. A powerful one at that.”

Camille slowly sat down on the ground next to him. Her crimson robe spread out on the black stone, looking like spilled blood over soil.

Even in simple movements, she was captivating.

I yearned to brush my fingers through her hair, slip the robe down those small shoulders, and run my fangs along her brown skin.

She turned to me.

Our eyes met.

She blushed as if she knew exactly what I was thinking.

I licked my lips, hoping she did.

Did she hear that?

She cleared her throat and turned back to the Ground Mover as the old man spoke.

“If it weren’t for you, Xander, the Quiet King would’ve drained me dry.”

A shiver ran up my spine. I stared down at the Ground Mover. “Why do you think he took your blood?”

“For his queen.”

Shock hit my chest. “H-how do you know this for sure?”

“Because first he begged me to bring his queen back. He took me to his room and had me analyze her. He claimed she talked to him.”

Camille looked at me and for some reason I felt embarrassed and ashamed.

Did she know I talked to Phinova in my wagon a lot and longed to believe she had come back alive?

I frowned and returned my view to the Ground Mover. “But. . .did you analyze his dead queen?”

“Yes. I was forced to assess her dead body. The whole time I did, the Quiet King kept this silver dagger near my throat.” Ground Mover’s fingers shook. “The first time I saw his queen, I knew who she was.”

I leaned forward. “You did.”

“Phinova, Chief Heart Burner’s daughter. But this. . .dead corpse was no longer Phinova.”

I trembled. “How can you be sure?”

“Her scent vanished, the one that identifies the blood mage from any other. It left her body the day she died, I supposed. All I could smell was growing darkness.”

My body tensed.

Her scent is different. It isn’t her. How did I not remember this?

I lowered to the ground and balanced on my knees. “But is there any chance that she returned and somehow was trapped inside her core?”

He shook his head. “I didn’t hear her voice, although the Quiet King claimed she was talking to him in that moment. I never heard anything. And then suddenly he howled, seized me, cut my wrist, and poured my blood all over her skin.”

Dear Ambi. Nai is as mad as I figured.

I rose and stepped back.

But, am I any better?

I knew immediately that it couldn’t be Phinova, yet I carried her dead body along and lay next to her anyway.

I’d hoped that for one moment I could have her back, but. . .

It isn’t her. Phinova is truly dead.

My heart shattered like a thousand pieces of glass, stabbing and slicing through me.

It was like she’d died once more. I held my hand to my chest. Heat bubbled through my blood.

Camille directed all her attention to me, displaying a sad look.

If that is not Phinova. . .then what. . .or who is it?

And all that time Nai fed her corpse with innocent domina blood, he sank his own fangs into her dead flesh, drank, and made love to her as if she were alive. I bet this made him even more evil and insane.