Could I be trusted in the same room with her during the daylight sleeping?

Even with Xander there, I would possibly try to touch her.

Chapter 22

Queen Power


Silence flowed between us while Ian and I climbed the steps.

A sense of dread coursed through me.

From the moment the Ground Mover talked about Phinova being dead, I could feel this all-encompassing sorrow radiate off him.

I felt helpless, knowing that no matter what I did nothing would bring back his beloved.

How am I going to help Ian with his dead queen?

The stone staircase swirled around and around as it rose to the top of the stone hut.

Ian led the way as if to protect me from a possible attack, but I was sure no one else existed in the hut but us.

It possessed that sort of quiet one gets when no one’s around.

Smooth gray stone served as the walls. I slid my hands against them with each step and relished the cool surface under my fingertips.

An herbal fragrance hung in the air and lingered near the long green candles at each level’s entrance way.

“This must be where she wants us to stay.” Ian took my hand and guided me into a spacious room coated in rugs formed of knotted soft fabrics dyed in many colors.

The weave pattern appeared to have no set design. The pale blue fabrics merged with avocado greens and sunshine yellows. Knots of deep pink and midnight-black decorated the center.

I walked on the rug, the soles of my feet sinking into the spongy fabric.

There was no furniture, just a large vase full of water with cloths, a stack of folded blankets and pillows in the corner, and a small fireplace within the grove of a stone wall.

I walked over to the fire.

Silent, Ian followed me.

Only the crackling of wood could be heard in the room.

I lifted up the ends of my robe and turned his way. “What did you think when the Ground Mover talked about your brother and how he gave the blood to Phinova’s. . .body?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“I am curious about your feelings on. . .Phinova.”

“Just say it.”

“Say what?”

Shadows painted half of his face. “Phinova’s corpse.”

“Fine. Her corpse.”

He leaned his head to the side. “How do I feel about Nai feeding blood to Phinova’s corpse?”

“Yes.” I nodded. “Tell me how you feel.”


“Because I want to be there for you.”

“You are not my queen. If you need to go back and forth about feelings and emotions, then call Xander in here.” Ian put his back to me and headed to the door.

“You’re mad.”

“Of course.” He paused, but didn’t turn around.

I cleared my throat. “Did I say or do something to make things worse or—?”

“This was a bad idea.” He faced me and formed his hands into fists by his sides.

“What was a bad idea?”

“Us being alone and talking.”

I swallowed. “Why?”

He rushed to me in a blur of motion. One second he was near the doorway, and before I could even blink he stood barely a few inches in front of me.

His warm breath tickled my forehead.

His gaze seared into my skin. Heat vibrated between us and something else. Another feeling. A more powerful emotion tugged at my heartstrings.

“It is not a good idea for you to be in a room alone with another king, especially one that no longer has a queen.” He kissed my forehead. Warmth unfolded where it shouldn’t have. “I knew better of course, but I never get alone time with you.”

“This is not about alone time.” I took two steps back.

“But, it is.” He closed the distance.

I backed up until I hit the wall. “Ian, I just need you to talk to me about Phinova.”

“Take off your robe and I will say or do anything you desire.”

I shivered. “I have a king.”

“You said I belonged to you.”

“You do.” I almost bit my lip from the determination in my tone. “I mean. . .”

“You said it right. I belong to you.”

“Because of your promise and our blood exchange.”

“That’s it?” He placed his hands on my waist. “There’s no other reason?”

I moved his hands away. “Ian, stop.”

He did and took a step back, yet a smirk spread over his face. “Are you my queen then?”


His cheeks vibrated as though he were holding in a laugh. “But I belong to you?”

“Is Xander your king?”

“He is.”

I nodded. “Then, if I am his queen, then I am your queen.”

“Only in that way?”

“Yes.” I sighed. “We should discuss Phinova’s corpse.”

“Let us make a deal.”

I twisted my lips in confusion. “Deal?”

“Let me drink from your neck and I’ll talk to you about anything.” Inching forward, Ian seized my waist, pulled me in, and placed his lips at the curve of my neck. “One bite?”

In his arms, a pleasureful shudder rushed through me. “Y-you’re not hungry.”

The tips of his fangs gently dragged against my skin. “Still, can I drink from you?”