Considering I was still pissed at him, he could do whatever he wanted.

I turned around when I heard Kimberly’s office door opening and she stepped in with a curious look on her face.

She paused in the doorway. ‘What are you doing in here?’ Sighing, she shook her head, heading to her desk. ‘I’m very busy, Charlie. Whatever it is can wait.’

I took a few steps towards her. ‘Not this.’

She took a seat, but I stayed where I was.

‘I guess you decided you’re talking to me again?’ She raised an eyebrow, putting her knuckles under her chin.

‘I wouldn’t say so. I just wanted to ask something.’

‘Well, go ahead since you’re already here. How can I help you?’

‘What is your problem?’ I took another step forward. ‘No, seriously, I’m genuinely curious. What is it?’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Charlie, stop being so dramatic.’

‘I’m not being dramatic. I want to hear what your problem is with me. I’m pretty sure you’re not stupid enough to think that I would flirt with your husband, nor are you that jealous. Why? I think I’m at least entitled to an answer.’

‘You want to do this right now? Here at the office?’

‘It’s just as good as any place.’

She leaned back in her seat. ‘You did flirt with him. You two were always laughing in a corner. Or he’d be in the kitchen with you for the monthly dinners.’

‘And that is my fault, how? Did I call him to my side to keep me company? Did I ever in my life do anything similar to what you accused me of?’

‘That means nothing. I know you two get along.’

‘Yes,’ I hissed out. ‘Yes, we do, because we’re family. He is your husband, for fuck’s sake! How could you even think that I’d do anything like that? Do you not even know your sister?’

She let out a long breath. ‘Why are we discussing it again? Especially now?’

‘Because you never let me talk about this. You accused me in front of everyone at the office and then just acted as if nothing was wrong with your husband. You never let me get a word in.’

‘Again, why are we discussing this now? I said what I believed was happening and what bothered me. There is nothing else to say.’

‘So your husband is just fine even though you think he flirted with me, but your sister is not?’

She rubbed the bridge of her nose as if I was inconveniencing her, and then checked the time on her phone. ‘I don’t want to talk about this again. I have a meeting in fifteen, if that’s all…’

‘No, that’s not all. Did you think it would be okay if you just sneaked into William’s office and stole his plan to present it as yours? Are you that insane? Or is this just who you are and I’ve just never seen it?’

‘I’d be very careful with what you’re accusing me of.’

I put my hands on the chair in front of her desk and tilted my head. ‘Oh? And that should do what? Scare me, I guess?’

Rising from her chair, she met my gaze head-on.

Before she could get a word in, I spoke up.

‘I’m done with you, Kimberly. I’m just done. I don’t care if we talk or don’t.’ I lifted a shoulder and dropped it. ‘I genuinely don’t care.’ I’d felt this way for a while and saying it out loud made me stand straighter and somehow feel lighter. ‘I’m done trying to look okay in front of Dad and Grandma. I’m done avoiding you or tiptoeing around you. More importantly, I’m done letting you treat me like shit for something I didn’t even do. But stealing plans my team worked on? That’s low even for you.’

‘Do whatever you want, Charlie. That’s what I’m doing. I told you I didn’t want to talk about this with you again. I know what I saw and how you were with him, I’m not going to apologize for wondering what you were thinking while you were getting close to my husband.’

‘Honestly, I don’t give a single fuck about you or your husband. Not anymore, not after today. But stealing. That part I’m very interested in.’

‘Why would I need to steal anything? I’m very successful at my job.’

My eyes grew big. ‘I’m wondering the same thing. Why do you think? And please, you’re nowhere near as good as William and we both know it. Even Dad knows it.’

‘Get out of my office.’

‘You were alone in his office when I walked in.’

‘And? That means I stole your plan?’

‘Show me what you presented then. I know how you work. You write everything down a million times. Show me this imaginary thing you worked on.’

Her phone started ringing, but neither of us paid it any attention – we were too busy staring each other down.

‘You’re pushing it, Charlie. Leave my office.’