‘If you don’t have anything to worry about, show me your files. William won’t ask you, but I want to see.’ She was quiet. ‘Come on, you should love the opportunity to make me look bad. Hell, I’ll even apologize to you if you have this extensive plan you prepared that is somehow the exact same as ours.’

‘I’m not showing you anything.’ Her chest rose and fell in anger and she was gripping the edge of her desk.

‘I thought so.’

‘What’s going on here?’

We both turned our heads to see my dad standing at the door with a crease between his brows.

‘I can hear your voices from my office. What the hell is going on?’

‘Nothing Dad, don’t worry. Charlie was leaving.’ Kimberly met my gaze. ‘We’re done here.’

I smiled at her sweetly. ‘I don’t think we are.’ I slid my dad a quick look. ‘I want to see the project she prepared for Ephesus Airlines. You think she is so great, so I want to learn from my sister.’

‘Why? Did William ask to see it?’

I gritted my teeth. ‘No. I’m curious.’


I fisted my hands at my sides. Why would he never take my side about anything? ‘About the work she did that was supposedly better than my team’s.’

He released a long-suffering sigh. ‘Charlie, stop acting like a kid. Please, go back to your work.’ Just like that he left.

When I looked at Kimberly she had a small smile playing on her lips.

Realizing talking to her was pointless, I followed my dad. I caught up to him in front of Wilma’s desk.

‘She presented the exact same plan as ours. There is no way it was a coincidence, Dad. I found her in William’s office this morning, she must have looked at our work.’

He looked around us, and I noticed people were listening to us intently. I didn’t care. I saw Gayle and Rick heading my way in my peripheral vision, but I kept talking.

‘I want to see her project. We know how she jots down on every inch of a paper. I want her to show her hard work. I want to make sure that she didn’t steal from us. If she has nothing to worry about, this should be easy for her.’

‘You’re being a bit too much, Charlie, don’t you think? Why would she need to steal from your team? She wanted this account, and the airline company chose her. Even William recognized it was a good plan in the meeting.’

I took a step forward. ‘Oh, yes. Let’s talk about William. Do you really think Kimberly would come up with a better action plan than him?’ I raised and dropped my hands. ‘He has experience with this company. The company originally wanted to work with him. And if that’s the case, she should show what she worked on. Hell, I want to learn from her infinite wisdom.’

His gaze hardened as he faced me. ‘She doesn’t have to show you anything. What’s gotten into you? You weren’t even in the meeting, so what would you know? Does William know you’re accusing your sister?’

I ignored the William part. He had nothing to do with this. ‘He told us it was the exact same plan. He doesn’t have to know everything I’m doing, so to answer your question – no he doesn’t know. We already know she took it, but it doesn’t look like you care about that part. Which I guess shouldn’t surprise me.’

The entire office was silent other than a random phone ringing in the background. In a second that was silenced as well.

‘Excuse me?’ His eyes flashed, brows furrowing. ‘You’re testing me, Charlie. Kimberly told me she saw you with William outside of work. Just because I’m not mentioning it, don’t think I’m clueless.’ His eyes moved on me in distaste. ‘Is that why you’ve been dressing like this? Do you think it looks good on you? You look like somebody stuffed you in that skirt.’

My body heated, from head to toe. His words broke my heart – and the fact that he was just fine saying them in front of an audience caused me to see red instead of feeling ashamed. As much as I loved him, I didn’t give a shit what he thought about my clothes now.

However, I still felt like an active volcano about to go off at any second. ‘Of course, she told you,’ I forced out, ignoring the last bit of his words.

‘Yeah, so go cool off before I say something that’ll hurt. We’ll talk about this when you get home. I’ll drop by.’

I snorted, hot flames coming off of the top of my head. My mind felt numb. Even my fingers were tingling with rage. I watched as his jaw started ticking when I didn’t move.

‘When did you ever hold back? Why do so now?’ I asked softly, not expecting an answer.