‘You’re dangerous for my sanity,’ he whispered against my burning lips as we both tried to catch our breath. I felt his lips stretch against mine and I knew he was smiling. ‘I don’t think I’m ever gonna get used to the taste of you.’

Something pushed at my leg and we both looked down to see Pepp nudging his way right between William and me and just standing there, one of his paws on William’s foot as he gave me puppy-dog eyes – something he had mastered on day one.

‘Hey you,’ I said quietly. ‘I know it’s dinner time. It’ll be ready in a few, promise.’

‘I don’t think he is after food. He is jealous, I believe,’ William muttered, his voice thick. I blinked back up at him, still feeling a little disoriented. ‘Can’t blame him. How could he not want you just for himself?’

‘It’s food. Trust me. We love food in this apartment.’

William’s lips curled up and my eyes locked on to them.

‘I know you do,’ he answered softly, his hand coming up to caress my cheek. ‘I wanted to pick something up for you, but I needed to be here more. I couldn’t wait in a line. I’m sorry.’

My blood boiling in my skin from the look he was giving me, I found myself leaning towards him again as he mirrored my move and I skimmed his bottom lip with my teeth.

‘As much as I want to make up for all the years I’ve missed doing this, we need to talk,’ he mumbled, his eyes betraying his words as he aimed them to my mouth again.

Then there was a soft growl.

Shocked, I looked down at Pepp to see he was wagging his tail, eyes on me. I watched as he turned his body, successfully pushing William away a step. His hand dropped from my face and I turned my focus back on William.

‘He is jealous!’ I exclaimed with a big smile.

William returned my smile and took another step back. ‘He loves you. Of course he is jealous.’

Our gazes stayed locked and something big bloomed in my chest. I kneeled down to give Pepp a hug and many kisses on his face. ‘I love you too,’ I whispered. ‘Wanna have dinner?’ His tail picked up speed, and I straightened up so I could feed him and give myself some time to come down to earth.

I picked up Pepp’s food bowl and busied myself, feeling William’s gaze on me the entire time.

‘Can I get you anything?’ I asked, looking at him over my shoulder, but not really looking at him.

‘Just you.’

I started laughing. ‘Stop, please. You’re killing me here.’

‘I’m just being honest.’

‘Okay. Have it your way.’

I finished filling Pepp’s food and water bowl and turned around to face William, who was standing with his back against the door, arms crossed against his chest.

I gestured towards the couch. ‘Would you like to have a seat?’ Compared to his, my apartment was probably half the size, but I liked my place. It was cosy and inviting.

Instead of taking a seat, he came to me. He didn’t crowd me, but he was standing closer than he had been a second ago.

‘I don’t think that’s going to work for me anymore.’

‘What won’t work for you anymore?’

‘Space. Between us. Here is the thing, Charlie. I’m crazy for you. It’s been like that for a while. And I remember what you told me at that bar we went to with everyone else, my first week here. You said, I want a man who knows what he wants and isn’t scared to ask for it or work towards getting it. I know exactly what I want right now. And I’m not scared to ask for it.’

My pulse sped up, and I worried my lips between my teeth, trying to think. I had a wild guess about what he wanted and I wasn’t sure what that meant for our future.

‘William,’ I started and shook my head, heading towards the couch to take the seat he had refused to take. ‘I can’t do that. I can’t… I wouldn’t be able to…’

Before I could finish my sentence he was kneeling in front me.

‘Tell me what you think I want from you? If I had to guess from the look on your face… sex?’

I hesitated.

‘Remember, we’re going to follow your list and we’re going to be honest with each other. We’re not gonna lose another shot at this, Charlie. Anything you want to or have to say to me, I want it to be true. Don’t think. Just tell me whatever you’re feeling.’

I was still stuck on the fact that he was on his knees in front of me, but I tried to be as honest as I could. ‘I’m leaving in less than a month, William. The only thing you could want from me is probably sex. Until I leave. To get it out of our systems. I can’t do that with you. You’re more… you mean more to me.’