‘No water for me either,’ he repeated.

‘Hot Cheetos, maybe?’

‘That was random. But, no, I don’t think so.’

‘I love Hot Cheetos.’

‘I’ll bring some over.’

He moved for me, so I moved my upper body slightly back, my heart doing happy cartwheels in my chest against my brain and logic. Logic saying that having William in my apartment and this close was bad bad bad. But my heart… my heart was a hopeless romantic.


‘So I was a one-night stand for you?’ he asked, shocking me out of my stupor of having him so close.


‘I must be if I have the no kissing rule enforced on me.’

‘I think you have to have sex to be a one-night stand.’

‘Hmmm. You think so?’

I nodded, my gaze jumping between his lips and his playful eyes.

He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against mine, humming as he stood just like that. ‘I’ve wanted to be exactly right here ever since last night.’

My traitorous body relaxed at his words, my eyes falling closed, but my fingers gripped the edge of the counter tighter. I felt him nuzzle his nose against mine and although I felt like my heart was about to burst with something building in my chest, I found myself tipping my head just slightly up, responding to him.

Then his lips were right against mine. Almost touching as he breathed me in, making me feel dizzy and breathless and all out of words. I don’t know what exactly got into me, but suddenly I swayed a little.

I felt his hand pull on my grip on the counter, then his fingers slipping through mine as he held on to me.

Truth be told, I was afraid to open my eyes, so I didn’t.

‘I’ve been wanting to do this again all day, too,’ he admitted, his voice soft against my skin.

‘It feels like I’ve wanted you since forever.’

I reached up and pushed my hand along his chest while our foreheads were still resting against each other and curved my fingers around his shoulder, holding on for dear life.

He gave my fingers a soft squeeze.

‘Can you open your eyes for me, Charlie?’

‘I’m not sure. Do I have to?’

He chuckled and the sound travelled over every inch of my skin.

My eyes were still closed, but I sensed his hand push back my hair, his fingers moving against my neck, leaving goosebumps in its trail. ‘I need you to be honest with me right now. Why don’t you want me to kiss you?’

‘Because it can’t be good for us.’

‘Says who?’

I didn’t have a good answer. I opened one eye. Our situation didn’t seem like it was doing the trick anymore when I was almost done caring about the fact that I was going to move in a few weeks. My heart was gutted.

He nodded at my silence as if it was the right answer.

‘Okay, this is what we’re going to do. We’re going to tell each other things we couldn’t before now. Things we wanted to but couldn’t, okay? Everything you have locked up here…’ he placed his palm over my heart ‘… we’re going to share it with each other, because that’s what we’re good at. We’re good at telling each other everything. And that’s exactly what I want from you. Everything. That’s it. We’re not going to think about the why or the how. Not in this moment.’

My heart rate picked up.

Everything sounded like a lot.

‘But first, do you want me to kiss you again? Because, Charlie…’ he sighed and his gaze dropped to my slightly parted lips. ‘I really need to kiss you.’

I nodded and unconsciously licked my lips. That little movement seemed to be the only thing I was capable of at that moment in time.

‘I need the words, Charlie.’

‘I do,’ I breathed out.

Then, he finally finally gave me a kiss and my heart sighed in happiness. His teeth gently bit on my lower lip, causing a shallow gasp to slip from me, and then his tongue was there and he was softly kissing me.

This was our second kiss, and it was somehow even better than the first one. And the first one was already insane. But maybe because we were in New York, and in my apartment, it somehow felt more real. Back at his mother’s place, as mind-blowing as the kiss had been, it had felt like a one-time deal.

This one felt… more.

I groaned, pushing my body against his as he curled his arm behind my back and squeezed my fingers while pulling me towards him with our joined hands.

What started as a small kiss suddenly turned hotter as he coaxed me deeper into it. And then his free hand made its way up to my throat as he gently tilted my head back so he could give me more. And I pretty much lost it, because his hand on my face, on my throat, on my skin… It was the sexiest thing in the world. He was absolutely without a doubt my best kiss. I remember groaning and then all of a sudden he pulled back and my eyes snapped open in disappointment. Both of us breathless, we just stared at each other and the fog he seemed to create in me dissipated and I watched his eyes burn for me. I found myself leaning forward, and he didn’t make me ask for it twice. He came back to me, his fingers pushing, delving deep into my hair as he cupped the back of my head.