My phone went off again, distracting my thoughts. Rick looked at me expectantly.

‘Talk to Gayle, and you two do some research and see if they’ve faced any accusations like this before. Don’t share anything at the meeting; we won’t be alone. I need to take this call.’

He nodded and left.

I got into my room, closed the door, and let out a long sigh.

My phone wasn’t ringing anymore. That was a good sign. But my mind was still full of Charlie. I avoided looking in her direction because once I started, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to forget how she looked last night under me. Her eyes half-closed, her moans and cries echoing in my ears. I could still taste her. And the way she was looking at me just ten minutes ago, I could still feel her trembling in my arms, completely unaware of what she was doing to me.

I thought of how I didn’t want to get involved with anyone for at least another year. Not only because I didn’t have time for a relationship but also because I just wasn’t interested. After the last few years with Lindsey, I needed a break.

And then I’d found Charlie again. How life threw our words back into our faces.

Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I took out my phone and stared at the screen – knowing at least one of the names I’d find there. We had finally sold our house just a few weeks ago. We had nothing more to say to each other, yet she had been calling constantly.

I ignored the calls that weren’t emergencies and clicked on Lindsey’s name.

Lindsey: I’m in New York. I want to talk to you. Please.

We had worked past our normal hours, having dinner in the office. Each team member tried to prepare an action plan for the Ephesus Airlines problem and some leftover things we needed to get done for our remaining accounts. As soon as we got out of the office, we headed home, Charlie’s hand always in mine.

We grabbed Pepp from her neighbours’ and took him out for a short walk, and then stumbled into my apartment. Because Charlie was barely standing on her own two feet, I told her to lie down on the couch and relax; all she gave me was a tired nod. Pepp took it upon himself to smell the house from top to bottom, even though this wasn’t the first time he’d been here. He went to Charlie’s side every now and then, gave her a nose bump, and continued on his quest.

After I had prepared a quick snack for Charlie, I took the plate to her side with Pepp trailing me.

When I saw she had already dozed off with a hand under her head, I took the blanket at the end of the couch and gently arranged it over her legs.

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ she mumbled, eyes opening slowly as she straightened. ‘I didn’t mean to fall asleep.’

‘It’s okay; you’ve been on your feet all day.’

‘So have you. I’m not even that sleepy,’ she said, while yawning behind her hand.

I sat next to her, our arms touching, then reached for the plate as Pepp sat right in front of us, expecting his share. He was still eyeing me like he had done that first time I’d met him. But his gaze softened when Charlie reached out and brushed her knuckles against his cheek. He jumped up on the couch and made himself comfortable next to Charlie’s other side.

‘Is it okay if he is up here?’

‘Of course it is.’ I held the plate in my hand.

‘Oh, what is this?’

‘I know you like to have something sweet before you sleep. I promised to cook for you tonight, but we didn’t know we’d be working late. And I don’t have too much on hand, but I have your favourite.’

‘It’s okay, we’ll do it another night. What is this?’

‘Apple sauce. So apple sauce on toast it is.’

She gave me a long look, her eyes sparkling under the low light in the room.

‘You bought apple sauce for me? When?’

‘I heard you tell my mom it was your favourite thing when you were a kid, and your mom made it from scratch. I know you don’t like to talk about your mom, but it sounded like a good memory.’

‘So you got me apple sauce.’

‘I bought myself apple sauce. You happen to be here.’

A beautiful smile broke out on her face, and she cradled my head in her small hands. ‘You bought it for me to have when I came over?’

‘Something like that,’ I mumbled, feeling as if I was getting lost in her gaze.

She leaned closer and pressed a quick kiss to my lips, pulling away with a grin before I could deepen it.

Then she stole the plate from my hands and picked up one of the slices, biting into it with the most erotic look on her face. I couldn’t do anything but watch. She swallowed her bite and turned her eyes to me, offering the next one to me.