His heavy breaths mingled with my own. ‘You have no idea what these skirts do to me.’ His words rattled my bones.

Our kiss turned reckless and wild in a short few seconds as he angled my head, his tongue slipping deeper into my mouth.

I was breathless, my mind all scrambled. I drew my fingers from his hair and sneaked my hand between our bodies and pulled down his zipper, because I needed him in me like I needed my next breath.

And that was the exact moment another door opened.

He paused, lifting his head to rest against my forehead. Both of us were out of breath, and we waited for footsteps, but they never came. My heart was out of control.

He took a step away from me, and I felt his loss so acutely.

I was still trying to catch my breath as he fixed himself up, avoiding my gaze. ‘Sorry, I lost my head a little there.’

He was welcome to do so anytime.

I watched as William sighed and buttoned up my shirt. His phone started ringing again, but he didn’t even look at who was calling. I vaguely realized that I’d forgotten my phone back in my office, but I couldn’t summon up the worry when William was so close.

I blinked up at him when I felt his lips against my forehead as he held me to himself with his fingers in my hair.

‘You take away the stress. I feel better with you,’ he whispered, his beautiful eyes meeting mine. ‘Hell, I feel better just looking at you.’ He held my head in between his palms and returned my slightly bewildered gaze. ‘Your lips… I have to tell you, Charlie. I might be a little obsessed with your lips and now that they’re all swollen and red…’ He shook his head and I wanted him to finish his sentence because I wanted to know what he’d do…

But his phone went off again.

‘You need to get that, I think,’ I whispered. ‘It could be important.’

‘Tell me something you like about me,’ he returned instead.

I didn’t even have to think. ‘That’s easy. I love that you found me again. And I love that you’re not afraid to admit that. And I love that your love language is touch.’

He smiled, his eyes still heated. ‘I have no idea what that is, but I’m gonna take your word for it.’ He took a step away from me. ‘You head up first. I need a second or two. I’ll follow you.’ He glanced down towards his pants, my eyes following the path, and then I smiled the biggest smile when I saw the outline of his dilemma.

‘Don’t be so proud of yourself.’

My smile turned into laughter. ‘I didn’t even say anything.’

Sighing, he physically turned me around and gave me a push towards the stairs. ‘We’re probably late to a meeting. Go.’

‘What are you going to do?’ I tilted my head towards a specific part of his body that was not going away.

‘I’ll stop thinking about you for starters; that should help.’

When I entered the office again, I was still smiling.

‘You’re in a particularly good mood,’ Gayle commented, suddenly falling in step next to me.

‘Where did you come from?’ I asked, startled.

‘Upstairs.’ She pointed towards the ceiling with a finger. ‘And you?’

‘Just a quick meeting. On the phone.’

‘Oh, and which phone did you use for this meeting?’

I stopped at the doorway of my office, trying to avoid her knowing gaze. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Nothing in particular. Just that I called you twice and you didn’t answer, so I checked your room and saw your phone on your desk. I’m assuming you were in a meeting with someone else’s phone? Maybe someone who is quite tall and struggles to take his eyes off you? Maybe you were in a meeting with that person? And what could be wrong with your lips, I wonder?’

I touched my tender lips with my fingers, frowning. ‘What’s wrong with my lips?’

‘Not much. Just that a certain someone kissed you senseless.’

I got into my room and closed the door on her grinning face.

27 William

I emerged out of the stairway a few minutes after Charlie, ignoring another message and then another call while I was trying to calm down. On my way to my office, my eyes found Charlie in her office, already busy on her laptop.

‘William?’ Rick called out, heading towards me, and I had to look away.


‘We’re going to watch the game tonight; you coming?’

I didn’t even know which game they were talking about. ‘Maybe next time. I need to go over a few things.’

‘Gayle told me about the new airline company. Do you need me to prepare anything before the meeting?’

It took me a few seconds to focus and think about what needed to be done before our call. Not only by my team but also by Kimberly and whomever she chose to bring to the meeting.