She looked over her shoulder at me and caught me staring at her ass just as Brady stepped into the hall and stretched with a loud bear-growl before greeting, “Mornin’.”

“Morning,” she said, passing him. He caught her by the elbow, leaned in and kissed her on the lips. “Aren’t you a breath of fresh air. Whose shirt you got on?”

She jerked her thumb backwards.

“His?” Brady looked at me quizzically.

I gave a shake of my head letting him know that no, it wasn’t like that.

“Yeah, apparently I broke some rule puttin’ this on. I’m about to be put into the stocks.”

Brady barked out a laugh. “You been around long enough you should probably know that rule already.”

“Really?” She shrugged and acted innocent. “Thought the MC life was about no rules.”

He chuckled. “You do have a point.”

“Brother,” I muttered, passing him.

“Later,” he returned.

“See?” I called out. “Told ya… you don’t put a man’s shirt on outside specific circumstances. People get ideas.”

She scoffed as she opened my door. “Not to worry. Nobody gets those ideas about me.”

“Brady just did.” I shut it behind me as she climbed into my bed with her mug and sat cross legged, then blew into the cup.

“Brady’s different. He’s not judgy.”

“Most people in the brotherhood aren’t judgy, hostage. You’re flashin’ me your panties, by the way.”

She squeaked with panic and straightened her legs. “Oops. Sorry. And you’d think so.” She waved her hand, then set her mug down on the bedside table. “Things are how they are where girls like me are concerned. I learned to accept what bunny life is about a long time ago.” She held air quotes over the word bunny.

There was a sharp knock on my door.

I opened it to Blow, who requested, “A minute?” looking pissed off.

“Hey Blow,” she greeted.

“Hey, sexy.” He fake-smiled wide at her and then turned his gaze to me.

I followed him down the hall toward the kitchen, but he slipped into the room just before it, at the end of the hall across from the room Deke was having set up for his daughter. It was full of kitchen supplies and overflow booze.

Blow thrust his hand through his short hair before blowing out a long breath.

“’Sup?” I jerked my chin.

“Gia’s presence is pissin’ off some of the women,” Blow advised, leaning a shoulder against the wall.

“They know her comin’ here saved some lives?”

He huffed out a sigh. “Skip’s woman’s on her way over now, according to the bitch I’m seein’. She got into it with Gia in the bathroom last night. Skip’s bitch told her Gia and I hooked up a while back, which ain’t even true. Skip’s used me to cover for him dippin’ his wick a couple times, and Sara doesn’t believe half of what’s outta his mouth, though still told Mar that this bunny’s probably doin’ both of us. Sara got wind Skip was over here last night and that the bunny’s here, and those women have some shit twisted up about what Skip was doin’ here and what that bunny might be here for, so she’s on her way and on the warpath. Keep that gash under cover.”

“I repeat: They know her comin’ here saved some lives? She’s here for that reason.”

“You know how bitches can get.”

This didn’t answer my question and also didn’t even add up. But, that seemed par for the course from what I’d seen with Blow.

“She’s been in my room other than a couple trips to the can and for food.”

“As soon as Deke’s up I’m sayin’ we talk over sendin’ her elsewhere. Deke’s boys have their women here too this morning. Pretty sure Gia’s ridden all those horses, so shit could get-”

Prez’s laughter was heard in the hallway, so Blow opened the door and said his name.

He stepped into the room with us.

“What’s up, boys?”

Blow let out a long exhale like a fuckin’ drama queen before laying it out again.


She was in the passenger seat of my truck, eating oatmeal Brady had packed up for her in a travel mug. She kissed him on the mouth in thanks for it and for some fuckin’ reason, seeing those two in yet another fuckin’ lip lock made my back straighten. And unfortunately, Brady caught it, though Gianna didn’t.

I don’t know what my fuckin’ issue was – especially after hearing from Blow about her riding all the Valentine brothers. And from others she’d been with Brady. And Skip. And Edge. I didn’t know who else this girl had fucked in the club, and I didn’t need to know. I didn’t even know why I was fuckin’ thinkin’ on it. Shouldn’t matter to me if she’s fucked them all. And that I was giving it any headspace at all irritated me. Just because bunnies were on offer didn’t mean I was always dipping into the pool.