There weren’t that many regular strays hanging around the clubhouse yet, since the charter was still new, though there were a few. And nearly every one of them had tried to get my attention, but I hadn’t bit.

I hadn’t spent time with any Sioux Falls bunnies before moving to Aberdeen and hadn’t really hooked up with anyone that hung around the bar or the clubhouse with any frequency. I’d spent time with Dina recently as well as occasionally hooked up with a dancer named Chantelle from a local strip joint. Because she moved here from Bismarck not long ago, knew some of the girls from Ma’s club, and one of them gave her my number. Chantelle and me were fuck buddies, but that was it. She’s in the middle of an ugly custody battle fighting to get her kid back. Chantelle has enough emotional baggage to fill a warehouse. She didn’t want more, which suits me fine since anything with strings doesn’t work for me.

I had access to decent tail without complications, so feeling proprietary over this bunny I barely know had me irritated.

But I was also feeling protective because as I’d put our gear in the bed of my truck while she waited upstairs for Brady to give her that oatmeal, I saw Skip’s wife climbing the steps to the clubhouse, Marlena up top holding the door open for her with a bitchy, snide expression. Like she was lookin’ forward to what was about to happen.

I slammed the lid, then jogged to the stairs and followed, right at her back as she crossed the threshold. I was slipping past her when I caught that Sara took in Gianna, who was by the bar talking to Deke. Gianna stopped mid-sentence, eyes bouncing toward Sara, then landing on me.

It was clear Sara was about to run her mouth and it wasn’t gonna be friendly fire. I watched Gianna brace, emotion flaring in her eyes. This girl wasn’t hard, which was unusual, since it sounded like she was on the receiving end of this sort of treatment often.

Dressed in those skintight leather pants, high spike-heeled boots, and a tank top with straps crisscrossing over her cleavage wasn’t helping her cause, either. She was hot, and the combination of that face, hair, the clothes she wore and the body she wore them on would make a lot of women insecure. Gianna’s long hair was in a high ponytail, and she had a full face of makeup on. Bright red, glossy lips. She looked ready to work a pole.

Though, so did Sara. Dressed in black with her tits pushed up sky-high, candy apple red lips matching talon-length nails, Sara always looked like she was out for attention. Though it looked like she put extra effort in today to come over here and confront the bunny suspected of being with her cheating man.

With the air being wired with the negative energy coming from Skip’s wife along with Marlena’s evil eye pointed at Gianna, letting everyone in the space know she was eager and ready to watch Sara go off, I took matters into hand.

Slipping by Sara, wrapping my arm around Gianna, I announced, “Time to go, babe. C’mon.”

Gianna looked up at my face with an unreadable expression, so I kissed the side of her head and steered her toward the door, mumbling, “Gotta hit the road now if we wanna get to my ma’s in time for dinner.”

The captive audience all took us in, Sara’s brows knitting together, confused. But then Skip came down the hall and froze when he took in the scene, eyes bouncing between me, Gianna, and his woman.

“What’re you doin’ here, babe?” he asked her, moving quickly, failing at hiding that his balls were shriveling. He twisted to kiss her on the mouth, but she turned her head to the side and spat, “Your room, now.”

Skip knew full well what was about to go down from Blow; the guy, not surprisingly, also wasn’t good at poker. Blow was nowhere to be seen, though, hiding from the drama.

“I’ll check in later Prez,” I called out.

Deke gave me a chin jerk. I knew he hadn’t missed any of that. Deke never missed much from what I could tell.

Brady came out then with the travel mug of oatmeal for her, getting a kiss, which made Marlena’s back straighten suspiciously.

“Take care of that precious cargo, brother,” Brady said, waving with two fingers.

Gianna smiled wide at him. “Bye, everyone!” She waved to the room at large, but when her eyes met Marlena’s angry ones, her smile promptly died.

I got her out the door, away from the energy that was reminiscent of an angry feline, claws flexing, looking for a window to attack.

“Thanks for that,” she’d said after I shut the driver’s door, spying Marlena staring from the upper deck by the clubhouse door. Sara stepped out a split second later and was waving her arms animatedly at Marlena, who blatantly pointed to my truck.