As the boys were laughing it up at Nico, I felt Gigi at my side, tugging on my leather to get my attention. My eyes slid that way and I saw Skip’s wife was now at the seat Gigi had vacated.

The brothers were laughing at Nico as I looked at Gigi’s face and saw an expression that made my own expression drop.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Can I have the key to your room? I’ve got a headache. Gonna go lie down.”

“I’ll come.” I downed the rest of my beer.

“No, it’s okay. Hang with the brothers. You guys earned the right to celebrate.”

I looked over her shoulder and saw Tracy jabbing her finger in Sara’s direction. Sara was rolling her eyes and fake yawning.

“Skip’s woman say somethin’ shitty?” I asked. And then my eyes bounced to Skip and I raised my brows.

He jerked his chin up and moved closer. “What’s up?”

“Nothing’s up. Key please, Jesse?” she asked.

“I’ll walk you up,” I offered, putting my hand to the small of her back. “Can’t get up there without a fob or an alarm keycode anyway.”

“Night everyone,” Gigi said, waving.

“Night babe,” Brady put his hand to her hair. “Love the new ‘do by the way.”

I gave him a look. He pulled his hand back and gave me a goofy grin. “I’ll just keep these to myself, then.”

“Obliged,” I said, low, holding out my hand and shaking his hand. “Night brother.”

Though his grin had been goofy, I could read in his eyes that he got me. And it was good that several other brothers witnessed it, too.

Gigi’s eyes widened briefly as I tugged her hand to lead her out.


“What happened?” I asked, once we were in my room. We’d come up the back way and both lounges up here were also crawling with people.

“I just need some sleep. You can go back down there. You could’ve even just tapped the fob and let me come up. I didn’t mean to take you away from the celebration.”

“Few things,” I replied, locking the door behind me. “One, only got the one key. You sleep like the dead. No way I’m gonna knock on this door for hours while you saw logs.”

She snickered. “That’s fair.”

“And can’t have you leaving it unlocked with all these club guests.”

“I get that. Been in that situation before and it’s not fun to wake up gettin’ groped.”

My gut roiled at that notion.

Her expression went wired at what must’ve been my reaction.

“Also…” I went on, “You think I’m gonna let you go to sleep up here when I haven’t had one on one time with you since… forever?” I advanced, backing her up until she tumbled onto the bed. I swept her still half-full hockey bag of clothes off, so it landed on the floor with a thud. I climbed on top of her, bracing hands on either side of her face.

“Since forever?” she asked, eyes lighting up.

“Feels like it.”

“It does.” She combed her fingers through my hair.

“Need a headache pill?” I asked.

“I think you’re about to cure it,” she whispered, then put her mouth to my earlobe.

“I’m gonna fuck you. Hard.”

She shivered while she also licked her lips with hunger seeping into her features. I felt it in the groin.

I then said, “But I’m gonna get to the bottom of whatever that Sara shit was downstairs first.”

She gave me doe eyes.

“Yeah. You want that hard fucking, tell me what that was about first.”

“Sexual extortion? Jesse James Garcia…that is hot.”

“Yep. So we can talk it out and then move on, fuckin’ without you having bullshit fucking with your head, Gianna Grace Jones.”

She swallowed. “Sometimes you’re sweet even when you’re salty.”

“Right, so…” I rolled my hand.

“She’s not happy I’m here. She’s making that clear.”

“She’ll have to get over it. Don’t worry about what she thinks.”

“She…” She shook her head. “She’s not wrong to be angry. Me being here is a reminder her man steps out on her. I’m crossing the floor, from the bunny level to girlfriend. And it’s bound to ruffle feathers.”

“See, that’s a Sara and Skippy problem. It’s not a Jesse and Gianna problem. You’re not still fuckin’ her man. You ever tell her you stopped that shit when you found out about her?”

She looked away.

“No, you didn’t, did you?” I tipped her chin back, so she had to look at my face.

She sighed. “I’m not a confrontational person. Can we be done talking about Sara? I’d like you to help me get rid of my headache.”

“Your fake headache, you mean?”

“Duh,” she rolled her eyes.

“Busted,” I said and laughed. And then I touched her hair. “This might be growin’ on me.”

She smiled. “Yeah?”

“You look good, hostage.”

“Thanks, Salty. You’re a sight for sore eyes yourself.”

“This is all gonna work out. Ignore Sara. Plenty of other good women around. She’ll learn to put up or shut up.”

“Hope so.”