“Hang with Pippa. Ella. Jojo. Jenna.”

She nodded. “Ella and Jenna looked like they were having fun on the dance floor. Didn’t see Pippa tonight.”

“Nah. Her and Spence are brawlin’ about something.”

“Yuck. That’s a bummer.”

“They’ll work it out.”

“She’s nice.”

“Yeah. Deacon’s woman is a real sweetheart, too.”

“She threatened to beat me up.”

“What? Ella?”

“Last year in the falls. She was drunk. She warned me she’d claw my eyes out if I went after Rider when Jenna and Rider were becoming a thing. I’m not taking it personally.”

I snickered. “Protective over her friend. That’s the kind of crew you need to link up with. Rider’s woman is solid, too. Big heart on that one and fiercely protects her friends. She’s feisty. Be good if you got in with them. Bettin’ they’d take your back with Skip’s bitch.”

She shrugged. “Not like they’re likely excited about that idea given my past.” She wrinkled her nose then ran her nose up my chest. “Let’s drop this. How about you fuck me, I fall asleep since I didn’t get much sleep last night, and you go back downstairs and party with your club while I catch some z’s?”

I rolled off her and pulled my cut off, then got out of my boots and socks. “Unless you tire me out. I could stay.”

“Whatever you want,” she whispered.

And then both of my hands glided up her sides to cup her tits. “I want you to tire me out,” I said, “Wanna take my time playing with my property. Like seein’ these words on you a fuck of a lot.”

She got up and kicked her boots off. I stood and pulled her close.

She got on her tiptoes and kissed me, so I slanted my head, so she didn’t have to stay up on those toes. I helped her out of her jacket, and then we went tumbling into the bed again before I went for the fly of her leather pants.

Getting those off took a little effort as they were like a second skin. She wore a tiny black thong underneath and once she was down to the Property of Jesse tank top and the thong, I snapped my jeans undone and reached for a condom.

“You’re mine now. You gonna let me fuck you ungloved any time soon?”

She bit her lip.

“We’ll both test,” I added.

“I… tested a couple months ago. Haven’t been with anybody but you since,” she said.

“Then I’ll get tested tomorrow.”

She said nothing.


She swallowed and blew out a breath.

“You’re hesitating. Why?”

She shrugged.

“We’re still new. You’re not sure if you trust me.”

“I mean… I want to. You’ve given me no reason not to trust you. I don’t wanna pour cold water on your libido, but I’ve been burnt before so it’s hard to shift my mindset.”


She winced. “Don’t really wanna talk about it and scare you off.”

“You clean?” I asked.

“I’m clean, I promise I am, but yeah… I got burnt. I was lucky that I was only burnt a little. It could’ve been worse and the notion of that – it’s made me very… careful. My grampa’s brother died of HIV/AIDS when I was a kid, so… yeah. I’m careful.”

“We’ll talk about it again in a while. Table it for now. How’s that?”

She looked surprised.

I tore the condom wrapper.

“Did I ruin the mood?” she whispered.

“It ruined for you?” I asked.

She shook her head slowly.

I ground my cock against her. “Feel like it’s ruined for me?”

She again shook her head slowly, this time with a smile.

And then she crooked her finger until I closed the distance and our lips touched.

“How are you real?” she whispered against my mouth.

“Guess you finally lucked out, huh? Actually, nope,” I amended, “You earned something real, hostage. And you’ve got it. Whether that means it’s hard out there or gets easy with time and you get what you need from my club, which is where I plan to get it to… in here, in these sheets… it’s us, I’m yours. We’re real.”

I moved back enough to take in her expression. It melted into something that let me see behind that shroud she usually wears. I saw longing. Utter want. That she let me see what she otherwise hides felt like a gift.

“There she is,” I whispered as I guided my sheathed cock around the tiny thong.

The surprise on her face quickly melted into a different look, a look I was getting addicted to – the sexy face she made when my piercing moved over her clit and my cock sank inside her. Though this time the expression held an extra nuance of something I couldn’t immediately name. Trust maybe. Hope flared at the idea of that from her.

I couldn’t wait to fuck this girl ungloved. I knew she had reservations, that she didn’t trust this yet, but I’d get there with her.

I rolled, taking her with me so I was on my back. She pulled her knees up to straddle me and blew her new bangs out of her eyes as I grabbed both hands and threaded our fingers together. She dug her knees deeper into my mattress and started moving. My eyes traveled her body, loving the sight of Property of Jesse scrawled across her tank top as I felt her tight heat clamp around me.