“Ding ding,” I said and then I lunged.

When my fist connected with his nose, the sickening thud and sound of his nose cracking was very fucking satisfying.

He stumbled back and landed against the velvet ropes, knocking two posts over.

He looked up at me, dazed.

Brady stepped out of the ring and belatedly hit the sound of the bell on his phone before lifting the fallen posts back up.

Skip got to his feet, growled, and lunged for me.

I spun, roundhouse kicking, catching him in the jaw.

But it was barely the toe of my boot and he recovered quickly and punched me in the cheek, sending my head backwards and making me see blotchy white and red spots for a few seconds.

I breathed through the pain. The pain was like a shot of go-juice because then I punched him in the face with my right, then my left, then my right again, sending him backwards again. That pain reminded me of what my girl had been through with this shithead, and I felt stronger. Angrier.

He was half worried about hitting me, half worried about protecting his face. I was only worried about beating him to a pulp, so I was getting the better of him. He got his hits in. A couple kicks. But then he tried to get me in the gut with a power kick and I caught his ankle and twisted, flipping him until he landed with a grunt.

When he was down on his knees, I kneed him in the face and then leaned down and punched him twice in the throat, which sent him to his belly.

“Yeah, you fuckin’ snake. On that belly,” I chirped, then rose.

All I could see was the hunk of waste in front of me who’d repeatedly hurt my girl.

I cracked my neck while bouncing on my feet, giving him a chance to get up.

“C’mon, Skippy. I got more for you.”

He got to his knees slowly, then finally to his feet before he moved in, faked me out with a right and got me with a left. But there wasn’t much force behind it, and he was winded.

“You come near me or my girl again, this is gonna seem like a walk in the park. I will fucking kill you if you pull any further bullshit,” I told him.

He laughed and pulled his fist back. I pointed to my jaw.

“Go for it,” I invited. “The pain feels fuckin’ great. I could do this all night.”

“You’re a fuckin’ psycho,” he breathed, absolutely winded, then got a good hit in, which sent me backwards almost tumbling, but as I stumbled back, I jerked up my elbow and caught him in the teeth. Hard. As he stumbled back, I grabbed the length of hair at the back of his head and slammed his face off my knee before hitting him in the temple with my left.

I caught sight of my girl in the front row, hands covering her mouth as she watched.

I hated the look on her face. This needed to be over.

Skip came at me again and I smiled wide, wiggling my fingers, inviting him to come closer.

When he lunged, fist out, I blocked it and then pummeled his face at least five times alternating left and right until he hit the floor like timber.

I stared down at him until he blinked a couple times.

“More?” I asked.

He slapped the floor twice, hard.

I turned to the crowd.

“Any other fuckers here want at me? Because I’m tellin’ you all right now, this girl is mine. She’s mine and I do not give a fuck who thinks they know her, who thinks they know anything about her. Whether you’ve kissed her, put your hands on her, I don’t give a shit. That’s done. Forget it happened. All you fuckers need to know is that if anyone mistreats her or even looks at her the wrong way, they answer to me. If your women can’t keep their bitchiness in check around Gigi, keep them the fuck away from her or you’ll answer –” I thumped my chest with my fist “to me.” I pushed the post over to get to my girl, who ran for me, then I lifted her up and wrapped her legs around me.

Her lips came to mine, and I knew one thing for damn sure. She was home. Not Bismarck. Not Aberdeen. If this club didn’t support a vote to get Skip gone, I would be.

There was clapping. A lot of it. I paid no mind to it or to anything, but Gigi until Brady was in my space, handing me an ice bag and a towel. I looked over and saw Speedy and Little John seeing to Skip.

I set my girl on her feet and as she dabbed at my face with the wet towel Brady had handed over, I had eyes for nobody but her.