Gigi nodded, lips pulled tight.

Sara took a breath and continued, “I’m leavin’ town and I’m filing for divorce.”

Gigi nodded again. “I never planned to be a… club whore. I met him and he acted like he wanted a relationship. The minute you showed up in the clubhouse and dragged me out of his room by the hair, I ended it. Didn’t know he was married until then. But he wouldn’t let it just be over.”

Sara sighed. “I’m sorry for not believing you. I know differently now. Good luck. Looks like you traded up, anyway. Got yourself a good one.”

Sara turned, then went and sat back down beside Speedy’s woman.

“All right folks,” Brady called out. He pushed aside one of the posts and gestured for me to come inside the ring.

I handed her my cut.

“Love you so much,” she said and got on her tiptoes and kissed me. And then she put her nose to the collar of my leather and gave me a shaky smile.

“Love you, baby,” I said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Deke sat in the front row, eyes on us but a face like stone. His woman sat on one side, his daughter on the other. Jojo patted the empty seat beside her for Gigi.

Deke had lifted the ‘no women’ rule for this for good reason. He was sending a message to everybody.

I stepped into the ring and threw my shirt toward my girl. She caught it.

Skip stepped in, too. He did not take his shirt off.

“Before this starts, I’m sayin’ something,” he stated.

The space quieted.

“Sara? Sweetheart? I wanna fix shit with us. I mean it. I’ll go back to counseling. Take it seriously this time. Do whatever it takes to get my family back. I fucked up and that’s done. You punished me for it, and I’ve learned my lesson. This is me, heart in hand.” He put his palm against his chest.

“Fuck you,” Sara said. “We’re done.”

He continued. “I’m here in front of the club sayin’ I’ve been an asshole who don’t deserve you, and I wanna fix this. But Jesse…” he turned to me. “Shit that happened with me and her was before. I get you’re protective of your girlfriend but brother, she’s not being straight with you about the past. I didn’t do what she’s sayin’ I did. We fucked. That’s it. She wanted it.” He looked at his wife. “I’m sorry, Sara, I’ve said it and I mean it, but regardless of how many times I’ve fucked around, I love you and the kids. You know I’ve just got a sex addiction. It’s an illness. It doesn’t mean I love you any less.”

Sara rolled her eyes and used a hand-puppet gesture before she folded her arms. “I’m just here to watch Jesse beat the shit out of you. I got nothin’ more to say to you. The rest will be said through lawyers.”

Jojo put her arm around my girl and said something softly to her.

Skip kept talking like she hadn’t even spoken. “We fucked and then Gianna changed the story. Found out later on she had an abortion and didn’t tell me about it. I was pissed off. A man should have a say. Am I right, brothers?”

Nobody answered at first.

And then Jojo shouted, “A woman should have a say about who she has sex with, asshole.”

A bunch of women clapped.

So he kept going. “I might’ve been aggressive about the abortion, but just verbally. I’ve never laid a finger on her that she didn’t want and didn’t want her spreading vicious rumors around, so yeah, I kept trying to get her aside to tell her she’d better not fuck my life. Honestly, I wondered if she came around and hooked up with Jesse just to fuck with my life because she was a woman scorned.”

“Then how come,” Scott hollered from the back, “We’ve all heard you when you’re tanked going on about tryin’ to get back to Sioux Falls to tap Gia’s ass?”

Skip looked dumbfounded. “Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, man.”

“I’ve heard it, too,” Bront said, loud.

Skip flinched. “Huh? You’re bent.”

“Enough of this shit,” Deke hollered. “This isn’t a trial. This is Jesse calling Skip into the ring. You’re both in the ring, where’s the bell?”

Brady held up his phone. “I’ll hit the sound when we’re ready.”

“Just sayin’, man,” Skip said, obviously addressing me but still looking to the bystanders. “She was a club bunny who fucked around with a bunch of bikers. Just like that Kailey cunt lied about what Rider, Edge, Lick, and Scoot did. You three know what this feels like, being falsely accused.”

“Only this time, these accusations aren’t false,” Scott shouted.

Edge and Rider said nothing. They both looked on with expressions much the same as Prez.

“But they are!” Skip insisted. “This bitch,” he gestured to my girl, “Kailey’s stepsister, lied about me.” He thumped his chest.