She lost it. Her body bucked. I unclicked the belt and pulled her into my lap, then hit the lever to push the seat back. She wrapped her arms around me and bawled as I held her. I stroked her back, squeezed the back of her neck, and dusted kisses all over her damp face as she bawled her eyes out.

“You’re beautiful inside and out, baby. You never let those assholes turn you hard. That’s one of the things I dig most about you. You’re not weak, you’re a fuckin’ warrior with a golden heart. No matter what comes at you, Gianna, you can handle it. You’re stronger than you know. And you’ve got me at your back and in front of you, shielding you, whenever you want it or need it.”

She grabbed my face and put her lips to mine. “I love you, Jesse James Garcia.”

“Love you, Gianna Grace Jones. One of these days, I’m gonna call you Gianna Grace Garcia. And I meant it when I said I do not want that fucker walking you to me. You get me?”

“I get you.”

“You’ve taken care of yourself until now. Now you’ve got me. So when you walk down that aisle to me you don’t hand him that honor. You do it on your own, head held high, knowing how fuckin’ lucky the man who loves you is to be able to call you his because you’re giving yourself to him.”

I wiped her tears away with my thumbs and kissed her again.

She smiled a beaming smile at me before climbing back into her seat.

“GiGiGi instead of Gigi.”

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“I look forward to that, baby.”

We both buckled up.

“I’m starving,” she informed me.

“Yeah? Me too. What do you feel like eating?”

“Alice Springs chicken,” she declared.

I laughed. “No bloomin’ onion.”

She pouted. “I know. I hope one of these days they come out with something that lets me gluten myself with no consequences. There’s supplements on the market but they’ve never worked for me. If I had one day left to live, I’d stuff my face with pancakes, spaghetti, croissants, grilled cheese sandwiches, and four ginormous bloomin’ onions.”

I laughed.

She grabbed my thigh and squeezed it. “Thanks for wanting me. For putting up with my shit, Jesse.”

“You make it all worth it, hostage.”


A Week Later

“How’d it go?” I asked.

“Really good, I think. I got a good vibe,” Gigi replied, approaching me on my bike, looking like a sexy librarian in a tight black skirt, navy blue blouse, and heels. It was tame for her, but still off-the-charts hot. She borrowed the clothes from Jenna after going into a mini meltdown about all her clothes being too sexy. I called down the hall to Jenna who’d been heading for the kitchen with an armful of dirty dishes, wearing thigh high socks and a brotherhood t-shirt. She set my girl up.

Ella got her an interview at this senior’s home after I’d had a word with her earlier in the week asking if she knew if they were hiring. I knew she volunteered here regularly and that her own grandmother was a resident.

Ella’s grandmother Izzy rushed out behind my girl with three of her friends.

“They’ll hire you, Gia,” she informed. “I’ll make sure if it.”

“You’re so sweet!” Gigi put a palm against her chest and gave Ella’s grandmother a beautiful smile.

“Well, hello there, James Dean,” Izzy looked me over.

“Ms. Izzy,” I greeted.

“Hey boys,” she said to the prospects parked with me. “Ain’t cha all gonna give Gran Izzy a hug?” she asked.

I got off my bike and hugged her. She pinched my ass.

“Hey now,” I warned. “I’m taken.”

“I told her I’d get her the job if she let me have a little feel once in a while,” Izzy said with a grin.

My eyes bounced to my girl.

Gigi lifted one shoulder in a half shrug. “It’s true. You don’t mind. Right, baby?”

“Objectified again,” I shook my head and got my face cheeks pinched by Ella’s grandmother who then moved on to hug Bick, calling him John Wayne, before she got to Nolan and told him he reminded her of a young Rock Hudson. Her friends moseyed over and then took turns hugging all of us and pinching our asses.

We were still riding in groups even though we now knew there was no chance the Freebooters were joining up with the enemy. And now we made sure we were on our bikes more than on four wheels to make a point. Be seen and heard. And with our patches proudly on our backs.

“They’ll hire you. Don’t you worry,” Izzy said again. “I’ll have a word. Make sure of it.”

“Thank you so much, ma’am. That’s so very sweet of you.”

She waved. “See you all later. Feel free to bring your entourage any time.”

I kissed her cheek and she smiled brightly, patting my face.