“Ready to roll, hostage?” I asked.

“Yup. Bye bye everyone.” Gigi waved at the ladies and carefully got onto the back of my bike.

I watched the two prospects eyeing her as she’d had to shimmy her skirt up to indecent levels to get on. I shot them a scowl.

Bick looked away. Nolan gave me a grin with a shrug.

We pulled out, planning to get back to the clubhouse where G would change and grab our overnight bag, switch vehicles to my truck and then we were heading to Bismarck for an overnight. It was Archer’s daughter’s birthday party tomorrow.

Unfortunately, since the club was also throwing a wedding reception party for Fork and Jojo at the same time, we’d miss that. We’d apologized to them that we couldn’t be there. I’d initially told G we should cancel with Arch, but G wouldn’t have it. She’d promised to be there for Tasha, the oldest of his kids and said she couldn’t let her down. I knew this was about Tasha, not about avoiding a club party.

G told me the newlyweds would mind far less when the party had just been thrown together for them versus the little girl who was already being let down by her mother who had grounded her for something stupid and said she couldn’t have a party for her twelfth birthday. My girl told me it was something her own mother would’ve done to her.

Arch stepped in and was organizing it at his house, threatening to take his ex to court if she tried to put the kibosh on it since it wasn’t technically Arch’s weekend with the girls.

To surprise my girl, I’d booked us a night in the best hotel in Bismarck for afterwards.


When we pulled into the parking lot Sunday afternoon, my plans to do nothing for the rest of the day after a shitload of driving this weekend were squashed.

Deacon jogged our way to tell me I was needed. So, I kissed my girl and told her I’d be back later.

The sliding door of one of the courier vans slid open and Deacon and me climbed in.

“What’s up, boys?” I asked, sitting back against the wall. It was packed in here. Deke and Brady were up front, Brady in the driver’s seat, and back here sitting on the floor were me, Deacon, Ride, Spence, Fork, Nico, Justice, and Bront. A tight fit.

“Hey Jesse!” Bront greeted with a big smile.

“Hey,” I returned.

“How’s things?” Bront asked, still sporting the oddly large smile.

“What’s up?” I asked.

He laughed. “Not much.”

“Only gone a day, brother,” I returned. “Why are you so fuckin’ chipper?”

He laughed and shrugged.

“Bront got himself some last night,” Justice put in. “Saw the little lady that works with Jenna and Pippa with the rainbow hair slip outta his room this morning.”

Bront grinned bigger.

“Aw, Teddy!” Rider ruffled his hair. “All grown up.”

“The dino lose his v-card?” Spencer asked.

“Lost that a long time ago,” Bront advised.

“Bronto’s not the only one that got lucky last night. So did he,” Justice shared, jerking his thumb at Nico. “Finally conned Coco onto his cock.”

“Yo,” Nico warned, leaning forward. “Keep her name outta yer mouth unless you’re sayin’ somethin’ with respect.”

“That’s a good woman,” I stated.

Nico turned his angry eyes to me. “Don’t you fuckin’ start.” He thought there was a punchline coming.

“No. Serious. She’s a good woman,” I told him.

He lost the attitude and jerked his chin up at me.

“Eventful night last night,” I observed. “And beyond the fuckers in that pickup truck shootin’ out the keg, obviously.”

Fork growled.

I gave him a look of understanding.

I’d heard the party had to be moved inside when a pickup truck sped down the road and shots were fired during the festivities. Festivities that involved out-of-town family including Jojo’s grandparents and Fork’s disabled uncle.

“Enough of the hen party, for fuck’s sake. Can we get our heads in the game here?” Deke reprimanded. “Need to bring Jess up to speed.”

Deke waited a beat and then continued. “Got a tip, know where their temporary clubhouse is,” Deke cleared his throat. “Fork’s contact told him a rough idea of where it was, and we got confirmation from my nephew Brice who heard from a paramedic buddy – Alec got taken in by ambulance to the hospital. Won’t be long now. Goin’ into palliative care. He’ll be gone soon.”

“Not soon enough,” Fork supplied.

“Good. What’s the plan?” I asked.

Fork spoke up. “There’s a dilapidated barn there where she thinks they’re cookin’ meth and storing a large cache of weapons. Could be that those are weapons that haven’t been paid for and that the people that took Gordino don’t want them to have. We tip ‘em off to that location, it could clear us of any markers owing. Gonna plant a couple outdoor cams,” Fork said. “Plus…” Fork looked to Rider who took over.