He pulled his cock back almost to the rim and thrust back in.
He dragged a breath in, letting himself feel every sensation from the heat of her body to how tight she was, to the feel of his cock sliding along Hale’s. It was perfect and it couldn’t last, but he had to make it good for her.
She moved against him, seeming to find the exact rhythm that had he and Hale riding her body in harmony. Every twist and turn and thrust of her body threatened to send him flying, but he held back.
He let the moment stretch out, riding the wave until she shouted out her orgasm, shaking in his arms.
And he let himself go. He fucked her over and over, working back and forth until he felt that tingle at the base of his spine, and the world seemed to blast to pieces in the absolute best of ways. Pleasure exploded through him as he sent her wave after wave.
He finally dropped to the side, rolling her with him.
A deep sense of peace settled over him as they lay there all three of them, just breathing and letting themselves simply be together.
“You okay, baby?” Hale twisted so he was facing Elisa and Van.
“I’m perfect,” she whispered back, cuddling against Van while Hale crowded her front.
They were taking up very little space on this ridiculously big bed. He was okay with that. “You are perfect.”
“Remind me of that in a couple of months,” she replied with a satisfied chuckle.
“Years,” Hale vowed. “I’ll still think you’re perfect years from now. I rarely change my mind once I’ve settled it.”
This was everything he wanted. His friend. Their one-day wife. “Forever. We’ll think you’re perfect forever.”
Van settled against her, the whole world in his arms.
Chapter Eighteen
Elisa poured herself a big mug of coffee and wished she didn’t have to go into work. She wondered if the Bliss County Sheriff’s Department allowed personal discomfort days for first time anal sex. Given how most of the county lived, she thought they should.
They should meet new women residents with an ice pack and one of those donut pillows. Welcome to Bliss.
“How do you want your eggs?”
Of course there was a reason all the women stayed, and this was one of hers.
Van stood at the stove. He wore only a pair of PJ bottoms and looked so delicious she might be willing to forget how sore she was.
Might. But then she had a whole shift to work. “Can you stay close to Hale today?”
She didn’t want him alone for a minute. Finding the lawyer was the key to everything, she’d decided. Hopefully she could talk to the lawyer today and figure out how all of this was connected. Because she was sure it was. The asshole who was trying to kill Hale, the private investigator, and the lawyer were all pieces of the puzzle, and when she connected them she would be able to see the path out. She would be able to do something.
“Yeah, I’ve got the day off so I’ll stay here and help him. He’s working on the tile. Even I can manage to help with tile,” Van promised.
“As long as I make sure he doesn’t decide to get too creative.” Hale was up and dressed for the day, wearing jeans and a sweater and boots. He looked younger than normal, happier, as though the night before had released something dark inside him. “Sometimes he likes to color outside the lines, so to speak. Staying in the lines when laying tile is incredibly important. Also, we’re going to help Jake and Adam set up the security system. It’s the last bit of Taggart’s plan to transform this place from a cabin to a high-security prison.”
“Really?” It looked like a perfectly normal cabin.
“You are surrounded by high-tech security.” Hale walked up to her and dropped a kiss on her lips. “Like that door that looks normal is actually bulletproof and difficult to kick in. You would need a battering ram. That fucker was heavy.”
“I think what Hale is saying is we’re safe here.” Van pulled down three plates. “You, my love, can go about your business protecting the citizenry of Bliss while your lovers are safe in Taggart’s fortress. Also, we’re never telling that dude we had a threesome on his bed. He’s scary.”
Hale snorted at that thought. “Like your brother didn’t text him last night. Maybe he’ll wait until this morning, but one way or another that man is going to know there’s some kink going on in here. Adam has some weird prank situation with that guy. When do they want to get started?”
She wouldn’t admit it, but she did feel so much better knowing Jake’s brother and partner were across the road. Of course so were a bunch of her clothes, but she would deal with that later. She hadn’t spent a single night in that cabin. It was time to admit she was living with them and would for the rest of her life.