“It’ll probably be closer to afternoon,” Van admitted. “He texted me that he was taking Serena, Adam, and the kids to Stella’s for breakfast, and then they’ll probably hit the Trading Post for supplies. They’re staying the whole week, and Serena wants a proper Christmas. When is your sister getting in?”
She hadn’t even thought about the fact that Sabrina was going to be here in two days. Two days. Forty-eight hours and her sister would be standing at the door to the cabin where she kind of lived with two men. She had to explain that to her sister. “Soon. Where are we going to put her?”
Her sister was coming for the holidays, and more than that she was coming to see if she might want to move here. She was planning on finishing out the end of the school year, but her sister could be living here next summer. Of course she might run when she realized the plans had changed.
“Wow. She is freaking out.” Van had his hands on his hips, staring at her.
Hale was studying her, too, his head tilted slightly as though trying to diagnose what was wrong. “She is. I’ve never seen her so upset. Her left eyebrow moved.”
That was such bullshit. “You’ve seen me more upset. Want to talk about that morning at the Movie Motel and how they’re not that bad?”
Hale immediately flushed. “Nope. Hey, do you want me to make some cinnamon rolls? I’ve got a tin in the fridge. I think I can make them.”
Van snorted. “Coward. And you are upset. You worried baby sister is going to take a look at the two of us and run the other way? I’ll have you know I’m excellent with families. I keep my crazy at a low boil until I get to know a person.”
He so did not, but if it made him feel better she wouldn’t argue with him. “I don’t think she thought I would become involved so soon.”
Hale’s eyes narrowed. “Does she know about us?”
“Of course.” It wasn’t like she’d held back on her sister. She’d absolutely told her everything about the guys, but last night had fundamentally changed things. Her sister thought Elisa was just starting to date these guys, and she’d giggled over the idea of her stalwart, never-do-anything-wild sister having a fling with two men. How would she feel when her big sister was serious about living what most people would call an alternative lifestyle? “She knows you exist. She doesn’t know I’m basically living with you. Maybe I should stay at the Movie Motel with her.”
Now she had two sets of judgmental eyes on her.
That felt like a no.
“She’ll like us.” Van shrugged as though the discussion was finished. “Besides, sometimes we get freak winter storms and the Movie Motel is miles away. Do you want to eat popcorn and licorice for Christmas dinner? Or do you want to eat whatever my endless bags of money sister- and brother-in-law bring in. Note I don’t add Jake in there. He can still eat an MRE, but Adam has left his military days behind. He’s the single fanciest motherfucker you will ever meet.”
“What fancy stuff can he find in Bliss?” The food was great here, but from what she could tell it wasn’t elevated, unless one counted the weekly specials at Stella’s. And she’d been too afraid to try those.
“He will fly in a Christmas feast for the ages if he has to,” Van promised. “You don’t want to miss it. Besides, Sabrina will likely feel comfortable in a family situation. My brother is here and he’s supporting us, and he’s in a weird threesome, too. For a long time. They’ll make her see this kind of relationship can work.”
“She’s not a prude.” Sabrina was one of the most open people she’d ever met, and she knew her sister would support her no matter what. But Elisa also understood it could be awkward for Sabrina.
“No, but she’s lived in the normal world her whole life,” Hale countered. “I had to wrap my head around it in the beginning. Now I’m here and it feels perfectly acceptable to me, and I have no idea why anyone would have a problem with it.”
“There are plenty of rooms in this cabin,” Van allowed. “If you want to stay in the big bedroom with your sister, Hale and I will stay in the kid’s rooms. Or we’ll sleep in the big room and you and your sister can have private rooms.”
This was all ridiculous. She was overthinking the whole thing. Sabrina knew she was involved with two men, and she also knew her sister. She would know she wouldn’t get involved with them physically if she couldn’t care about them emotionally. “It’s fine. She’ll be fine. I have no intention of sleeping apart. Not in my own…in someone I don’t know’s house. By the way, after you finish the sheriff’s place, we’re looking for our own space. I know it’s easier for you to live where you work, but I want a cabin that we can make ours.”