Page 40 of That One Night

But the rest of our lives would have to wait. Lunch and Aunt Tuney would wait for no one.



Present Day

LeavingLucasattheairport left my stomach in knots. As we said our temporary goodbyes, I prayed that we didn’t experience a repeat of last time. Although we both were in possession of the necessary details to keep that from happening—I’d even sent everything to Lou as a backup—I still couldn’t help but dread the what if.

I waved Lucas off as the call to board his flight sounded out. My love kissed me thoroughly and promised that he’d see me this weekend once he got things squared away and handed the reins off to his brother. During the two extra days that we’d spent at the hotel, Lucas confided in me that he was tired of the responsibility he possessed. He was tired of co-managing their family’s company. That he wanted to take a long break and had no regrets about Michael being solely in charge.

“I want to spend some time with you,” he said as he kissed me softly, his fingers buried in my hair while the weight of his delicious body kept me pinned to the bed. “I don’t know how long. A year. Maybe two. Maybe I’ll take up jogging. Maybe I’ll write a book? I just want to take some time to just breathe and not worry about a job or being overloaded with responsibilities.”

“Can you afford that?” I asked, ready to support us both if it came to that.

Lucas chuckled and tenderly brushed back the hair that clung to my dewy forehead. “I’m independently wealthy, Ariel,” he confessed. “My mother came from old money. My father made a killing through a series of shrewd investments. I won’t go broke. I can promise you that. The only reason why Michael and I work is because we want to.”

“But I don’t want you to have to rely on that,” I said, giving voice to my concern. “If I have to work extra to support us, I will. I don’t want you to have to worry about anything.”

“Shhh,” Lucas whispered as his fingers came to rest upon my lips. “I guess I should tell you this.” He swallowed before speaking again. During that brief bit of silence, I mentally prepared to take care of him. I knew he had some money. He owned a business, but that was no guarantee what his financial situation would be once he stepped down. Right then and there, I vowed to take care of him. To support him if that’s what he needed. I didn’t do it because I had to. I’d do it because I wanted to. I wanted to give him enough time to clear his head. To recover from the loop that Vanessa had thrown him for, and to find himself. In the quiet moments, Lucas confessed how he’d lost himself during our time apart. How he’d slipped into a deep depression. He’d spared no details as he spoke of Ryan’s heart-to-heart with him. The one he’d stormed out of. He also didn’t hesitate to tell me about his late-night talk with the homeless man who now successfully and efficiently managed the chain of boutique hotels the company owned. A man that inadvertently changed his life.

“Tell me what?” I asked as I had slowly stroked my fingertips across his bare back.

“That even without my company, I’m worth almost a billion dollars.”

My head spun and I was pretty sure that I had blacked out for a second.


“I’m… I’m okay.” I barely managed to get the words out. “I’m just... stunned, is all. I had no idea.”

Lucas laughed as he brought his hips flush with mine. I felt his length pressing against my stomach, ready and willing for another round.

“You don’t have to take care of me. That’s what I’m saying. Instead, I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of you. Let me take care of you, Ariel.”

“Alright.” I agreed happily. “Only as long as I can take care of you, too.”


Lucas had kissed me until I was gasping and my body ached to hold him deep inside me.

The memory of that kiss burned my lips as I sat waiting for the call to board the flight that would take me back to New York.

As I sat sipping my caramel macchiato, I let myself revel in the joy of letting my employees know that their jobs were safe. That they still had jobs. That their incomes were safe. Their futures were no longer up in the air. Their fruitless searches were over.

My own job search had been hard, but watching my three, dear and deeply devoted employees search in vain had been painful. When Lucas informed me that everything would be fine, I broke down and cried. Not for me, but for them. Vivian, Russell, and Marie had become my family. They were there through the triumphs and the worst possible moments. They’d been my rock and knowing that I could do this for them felt like my way of saying thank you for everything that they’d done. It all wouldn't have been possible if Michael hadn’t listened to his gut, and with encouragement from not only his partner, but also Lucas’s best friend, Ryan, followed his intuition and cracked Vanessa’s secret plan wide open.

In addition to that, the company who ‘purchased’ the Fremont building backed out with no questions asked. Not wanting to be tied down with legal repercussions that could hurt their image, they easily assented and therefore, made the righting of wrongs painless and simple.

Gratitude expanded my heart as my phone chimed, notifying me of an incoming text message.

Lucas: Ariel, my angel. I love you and I already miss you like crazy. I’m counting down the days until I see you once more. And don’t fret, even though I know you are. We’re never losing each other again. Just know that I’m always with you, even when we’re apart. And I know I said it before, but I love you. I love you so much and I can’t wait until you’re back in my arms. I love you, my angel. I’ll call you later when I land. XXX Lucas.

I couldn’t help the grin that stretched across my face. Hope zinged anew through my heart as I read and reread the message he’d sent. Just as I went to reply, the call to board was announced and instead of typing out a quick message, I tucked my phone away until I was in my seat and could safely write him back.

As I flew back home, I’d focused on gratitude. I was grateful to have Lou. Grateful to have my support system. I was thankful that my dream was alive and well and for the life that I’d had. What I was most grateful for was Lucas. For finding him again, for committing myself to him, and grateful for the time we had ahead of us. I was heading back to New York City as a renewed woman. And, even though it killed me to say it, I had Vanessa to thank for it all. If she hadn’t wanted to ruin my life and steal the man that I loved, I’d never found my missing half. Lucas and I might have had to spend our lifetimes apart, but thankfully, we wouldn’t. Inadvertently, the woman who’d tried to take my life from me ended up handing it back. For that, I’d be eternally grateful. But, just like Lucas had said in the middle of the hotel lobby, I’d cease to think of her after this moment. That chapter of my life was closed now and I had new ones to write. Ones filled with Lucas, spent in wedded bliss, and with any hope, a child or two down the road.
