Page 41 of That One Night


Present Day

“You’rewherenow?”Ryanshouted over the roar of baseball fans cheering.

“New York City. Same as you,” I said before I went on to explain my reason for showing up unannounced.

“I thought she was flying out to San Fran to see you this weekend?” The sound of a buzzer going off let me know that he was currently attending Yankees game. According to Ryan, they were playing the Texas Rangers.

“No. I was going to fly here. I’m moving here, remember. I told you that when I spoke to you yesterday.”

“Oh yeah. Right. I forgot. So, you’re bumping your plans up.”

“Correct. When I got home, I decided that I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to spend another moment away from her so I hopped on the company plane and flew out here to surprise her.”

“She has no idea that you’re here?”

“Absolutely no clue.”

“Are you on your way to see her? I mean, won’t it freak her out if you just ‘show up’ unannounced?”

“If you knew Ariel, you’d know the answer to that is no. Nothing seems to faze her. And no, I’m not on my way to see her. I have some arrangements that I need to make first before I surprise her at her shop in the morning.”

“You’re completely bonkers for this girl, aren’t you?”

“I am. I love her, Ryan. So much it hurts. There are no words to describe just how much I love her. I’d do anything for her.”

“Well, I’m just glad that Hoezilla’s in jail,” Ryan chuckled, deeply amused. “What I wouldn’t pay to be a fly on the wall in the cell she’s currently sitting in,” Ryan laughed further, referring to the cell that Vanessa now called home after her lawyers convinced her to plead guilty in order to bargain for a lighter sentence. Reluctantly, she confessed but it didn’t get her a reduced sentence. All it got her was a swift reprimand from the judge and the next several years serving time. “I’m just glad that things turned out the way they did.” Ryan’s chuckle sounded again as the rush of the crowd threatened to drown him out.

“Me too, man. Me too. I’m happy that you’re happy. Ariel’s good for you. I’m sorry to say that I didn’t realize how she made you complete. It’s like I got my old friend back.” I could sense his smile over the line.

“She does,” I reaffirmed. “Ariel is the breath to my life. The essence of my soul. I can only hope that one day you know what that’s like, Ry.”

“Don’t count on it,” my best friend scoffed. “You know me: one woman, one night only. No commitments. No broken hearts.”

“That’s exactly what I said too, and look at me now. Besides, you’re my best friend. I want you to be as happy as I am. Maybe I can ask Ariel to fix you up with one of her single friends?”

“As long as it’s not Cerberus, I’ll consider it. And that’s only if the woman goes into it fully knowing my rules.”

“Now you’re just being difficult,” I admonished him but Ryan blew it off.

“It’s called being honest, dude. Honesty is the best policy and I’m not looking for a relationship. I don’t want something with strings.”

“Alright. You win, for now.”

Ryan’s heavy scoff only added to my vow to see him find the same happiness that I’d found.

“So, do you think you’d be available to get a drink after the game or catch an early breakfast in the morning?” My best friend asked, seamlessly letting our former conversation go and refocusing on other things.

“Actually, I was wondering if you had time early tomorrow morning at eight. I’ve got a meeting that I’d like your help with. That is if your hangover will allow you to get up that early.”

“I’ve only had one beer and I don’t plan on having anymore. I want to be in fine form when I meet with my agent tomorrow afternoon. They’re discussing the possibility of trading me.”

“That sucks man. I know how much you love playing here.”

“Thanks, but I think it’s just talk. We’ll see though.”

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow. I’ll give you a ring when I get there.”