Page 36 of That One Night

“You’re the reason why my store is closing in less than a week?” My love choked out, her face tight with what I can only sense was a feeling of betrayal. A betrayal that I had no part in, but one that Vanessa was more than happy to place at my feet.

The world tilted on its axis. A sob tore from Ariel’s throat and I wanted nothing more to comfort her. I couldn’t, though. I tried to touch her, but she stepped beyond my reach, effectively ripping my heart in two.

NO! I couldn’t let Vanessa do this. I had to set this right. I couldn’t stand seeing the woman I loved torn to shreds. Nor could I bear the hopelessness that dulled those vibrant emerald eyes. I had to fix this. I had to set things right and make sure that Vanessa paid for her lies and her cruelty.

“Lucas, please tell me that she’s lying,” Ariel begged, but I refused to be untrue.

“It’s true,” I admitted. Ariel sobbed again. I watched as Phil stepped towards her with the intention of consoling her, but Ariel shoved him back sharply with a warning to keep his distance.

“Tell her, Luke.” Vanessa urged. Apparently she hadn’t had enough of trying to destroy people’s lives and went to twist the daggers that she’d stabbed into our backs.

“Part of what Vanessa said is true. I own the Fremont building. It’s one of many properties that I own in New York City,” I began my explanation slowly, hoping that Ariel would stick around to hear it. To my immense relief, she stayed, although her misery was starting to morph into fury. “I bought it when the company was first starting out and it’s always been a decent moneymaker for us. I had no idea that it had been sold.”

“What kind of businessman doesn’t know about the sale of a building he owns?” Vanessa threw her head back and barked with laughter. I had no doubt that she was thoroughly enjoying the chaos that she’d created. I wondered if she’d be laughing so gleefully once I was through with her.

“How could you?” Ariel’s eyes flooded while her lower lip trembled. “How could you do that? Do you have any idea how many lives you destroyed? How many families that won’t have a source of income by the end of next week? And for what? To build some ugly high rise apartment complex?” Ariel’s bitterness cut me to the bone. Vanessa watched us closely, grinning wickedly the entire time. It was all I could do to not punch Vanessa for putting Ariel through this.

“I didn’t… It wasn’t me, Ariel. I didn’t know that it had been sold until twenty minutes ago.” I tried to explain, but it was clear that Ariel wasn’t buying it. Instead of trust reflecting back at me, I saw just the opposite. Distrust and betrayal. To see her faith so shaken nearly killed me.

“Like she said, what kind of businessman doesn’t know about the sale of his property?” Ariel demanded.

“The kind who didn’t sell his property. I never gave my approval. In fact, I was planning on filing to see if we could get the building declared a historical site.”

“What do you mean that you didn’t give your approval?” Ariel stood with her hands on her hips, her fury now replaced with confusion.

“Just that. I didn’t give my approval for the sale. Someone did it behind my back.” My eyes slid over to the snake responsible.

Vanessa paled again. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t enjoying watching how she started to squirm nervously.

“You’re just saying that so she’ll fuck you.” Vanessa, as crude as ever, tried to redirect the conversation so that her secrets would stay hidden.

“Excuse me, Vanessa,” I piped up as I silently implored Ariel to give me a moment. I half-expected her to tell me to go fuck myself, but to my surprise, she consented with a single nod. “How is it that you knew about the sale, but I didn’t? The last time I spoke with Larry, the city was on board with the plan to have it declared. In fact, the last conversation that Larry and I had was about why it was so important to keep the building and its tenants because we both think it’s sickening how too many neighborhoods are being destroyed.”

Vanessa’s smile faded instantly. I didn’t hesitate to capitalize on it.

“So, Vanessa. Tell me how the property got sold? Especially since I didn’t sell it and I’m the only one who can give approval.”

“You must have forgotten. You know how forgetful you’ve been. I mean, you don’t even remember proposing!” Vanessa was quick to cover herself. “Things have been so chaotic with the wedding that you must have just signed the papers without realizing it.”

“That wouldn’t have happened.” I shook my head. “I read everything that crosses my desk. Every single thing.”

“Lucas, like I said—” Vanessa attempted, but I interjected, severing the line of her words.

“Imagine my surprise when my brother called me just a bit ago to inform me of some illegal goings-on that one of the auditors uncovered.”

“Lucas, you’ve been so stressed out. It’s okay to admit that you forgot. I mean, I can see why you’d choose to lie to cover your ass. If I were in your position, I’d do the same. You know, it’s okay if you need to see someone about your mental state.”

“Don’t try to make me look like I’m crazy, you lying bitch!” The thread of my patience snapped thoroughly. “I know that this was all you, and I think you did it to destroy Ariel’s life.”

Vanessa leveled her malevolent gaze upon the woman I loved.

“Stop lying. You have absolutely no proof of what you’re accusing me of,” she said dismissively, batting the air with her hand as if what I said was an annoying fly buzzing around her head.

“The camera caught you signing my name and faxing the documents over. The monitoring service caught it when they were reviewing every piece of footage while searching for something else. They brought the footage to Michael’s attention just as the auditor came to him armed with some interesting evidence of his own. I’m going to ask you this one time and one time only. Did you sign my name with the intention to hurt Ariel?”

“So what if I did? It’s not like there’s anything you can do about it. The deal’s done. Finalized. Finito!” the viper hissed, her tongue dripping with acid.

“That’s where you’re wrong. Legally, the sale is null and void because you forged my signature.”