Page 35 of That One Night

“We’re divorcing, but it’s not finalized yet. I still have yet to sign the papers,” Phil mumbled. Glancing from me to Vanessa and back, he kicked the ground in frustration as his cheeks flushed. It was clear that the asshole was still in love with Vanessa and wanted to be with her. Yet, he’d do anything, go along with whatever she plotted or schemed just to make her happy.

“Let me get this straight. You two are still married?” Needless to say, Ariel was as confused as I was.

Vanessa snorted disgustedly. “But not for long.”

“How did you two end up getting married in the first place…” Ariel asked, her words trailing off as she began to piece the facts together. “You hated each other. Phil, you said that you hated her guts… Oh my god. I don’t know why I didn’t see it until now. She’s the one that you were fucking!” Ariel breathed out a beat later. “It was her, wasn’t it? She’s the one that you were sleeping with. She’s why you broke up with me.”

Phil gave a single nod and looked away. His cheeks were bright red, not with shame or regret, but from irritation that Ariel finally figured it all out.

“And you!” Ariel spat, turning on Vanessa with blinding speed. “You knowingly slept with my fiancé! Why? Why would you do that to me? You were supposed to be my friend!”

“Like we were ever friends?” Vanessa hissed. “People like me don’t befriend your type. People like you are only on this planet for one purpose. To serve people like me, on hand and foot.”

“And what about Phil?” Ariel argued back and I was left confused, wondering where she was going with this. “What was his purpose?”

“Sex.” Vanessa’s answer came easily. She stood unashamed and confident. “Phil was a good fuck, but I’ve had better. And I used him for his connections. His cousin works for Lucas. He was my in. My path towards bigger and better things.”

“You used Rodney?”

“More like enjoyed Rodney and all the perks that came with it.”

“You’re shameless!” Ariel’s grip on my shirt tightened.

“I do what I have to in order to get what I want. You little boy-toy there would know all about that, wouldn’t you, Lucas?”

“What the fuck are you talking about Vanessa?” I demanded. With a wicked gleam in her cold, cruel eyes Vanessa refocused her attention on Ariel.

“Ask him about that building you’ve been so torn up over?” Vanessa mocked with false concern. Ariel’s grip on me loosened and I felt the loss of her warmth as she stepped away.

“What about the building?”

“Vanessa, what are you talking about?” I demanded, but the vicious blonde before me apparently was out for the kill. I could see it in her eyes that if she couldn’t have me, she’d do anything possible to stop Ariel from having me too. Fury burned hot in my stomach. Unsure of where this was going, I fought to remain in control. My fists, however, didn’t get the message. They curled tighter as the horrible truth came to light.

“I said what about the building!” Ariel demanded, her voice booming over the muted noise of the lobby.

“He owns it.”

And there it was.

The slimy smile.

The look of victory and delight.

“What building do I own?” I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

“The building that her pathetic little flower shop was in.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” I argued because I didn’t. I had no clue as to what Vanessa was talking about.

“Is that true?” Ariel asked weakly as her eyes fixed on mine. An hour ago, those eyes were vibrant, shining with the purest of love. Now, they eyed me with suspicion and... anger.

“Ariel, I don’t know what she’s talking about—” I tried to explain but Vanessa cut me off.

“Of course, it’s true!” Vanessa cackled delightedly. “Didn’t he tell you? He owns World Capital Investments. He’s the one that sold the Fremont building!”

“It was you? You’re the one that sold my building?” Ariel accused, visibly pained. I shattered hearing her voice break. Those wide, green eyes flooded again as she stared incredulously at me. I drew in a sharp breath, feeling the agony of her thinking the worst of me. It twisted my insides and left me infuriated.

“Yep. He’s the reason why your little dream is now dead in the water. He’s the reason why that all those shitty little shops are being forced to close. He’s the reason why all those loser people will soon be without jobs!” Vanessa crowed delightedly as she took a victory lap.