Page 39 of That One Night

“No. No one has to close now, no thanks to you. If Luke says that the sale is null and void, I believe him.”

“Whatever. You’re just jealous. You’ve always been jealous because I’m beautiful and successful and I’ve never had to want for anything.”

“I’m not jealous of you, Vanessa. I could never be jealous of a soulless, spineless, manipulative bitch that’s hellbent on riding on other people’s coattails and tricking people into marriage for money. If anything, I pity you.”

“Continue to tell yourself that sweetheart. Everyone knows that I fit into his world and that you never will.”

“Maybe so, but those people can’t see you for what you are, whereas I can.” Ariel sucked in a deep breath as she prepared to hit the ball out the park. “It’s you who’s jealous. You’re jealous because I’ve worked for what I’ve got. You hate the fact I’ve made something of my life. That I’ve earned my success and you never will. It kills you that I’ve got everything that you’ve always wanted, but refused to work for. Face it, Vanessa. You’ve lost. I won.”

“Shut the fuck up! You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, but I think I do, and it seems that I’ve struck a nerve.”

“You’ve done nothing! You’re pathetic! You’re trash! In this world, I win. People like you lose. You’ll never know what it’s like to be me! Before this is over, I will be the one standing on top and you’ll be right where you belong. Lining the trash can.”

Before Ariel could think about responding, the air changed. A rush of loud voices drowned out all sound. I looked up as a retinue of heavily armed men charged at us. Concerned and unsure of what was happening, I pulled Ariel to me and held her protectively.

“What the…” I barely heard my love speak before shit got real.

Ariel and I were abruptly pushed back as the group of men quickly surrounded Vanessa and announced that she was under arrest. We watched incredulously as they slapped cuffs over her wrists, read her Miranda rights, and finished executing the warrant for her arrest.

After it was over, Ariel and I stared at each other, both speechless with disbelief.

“Man, Michael works fast!” I managed to say.

“Your brother did this?”

I nodded.

“How could he get the authorities to act so fast?”

“Our father has a lot of connections, and when Mike’s determined to make something, nothing will stop him.”

“Is that why he wanted to speak to you?” I nodded again.

“He wanted to fill me in on what Vanessa had done and that he was going to make her pay.”

“That—” Ariel waved her finger towards the space where the arrest had gone down. “That was crazy,” she added as she pressed her body into mine.

“It certainly was, but I think we can assume that she’s out of our hair for good.” I dipped my head down and kissed her soft lips. “That said, I don’t want to waste any more time on Vanessa. She’s already taken so much from us and I refuse to let her take anymore.”

“I wholeheartedly agree. I think it’s time to turn the page on this chapter and focus on writing what comes next.”

“Why don’t we start by checking into our new room and ordering some room service? I don’t know about you, but all that’s made me hungry.”

Ariel giggled. Reaching up, she cupped the back of my head and pulled my mouth back down to hers. “Only if you promise that we can have dessert first. Lots of dessert!” She giggled against my lips as her other hand slid across my hip and landed a playful pat on my ass.

“Your wish is my command, my love.” I kissed her again, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her lips pressed to mine.

Taking hold of her hand, Ariel and I made our way over to the concierge where we checked in and went through a brief demonstration on how to access our rooms with our cell phones.

“My phone’s a dinosaur. It doesn’t have the technology to do all that.” Ariel pointed out as we made our way across the lobby and walked straight into a waiting elevator car.

“I’ll order a new one when we get to the room,” I promised as soon as the doors were shut and I had her pinned against the wall. “But first, I’ve got plans.”

“What kind of plans?” Ariel’s eyes flashed with the same desire that flooded my veins.

“The kind that will last for the rest of our lives.”