Page 37 of That One Night

“So what if I did?” Defiantly, she tried to blow me off as if what she’d done wasn’t a big deal. “It’s not like it’s a crime!”

“Actually, it is. That’s forgery, which is a felony.”

“You’d have to prove it first. There’s no way that you can ever pin this on me! Footage can be erased, especially if a quick fuck’s on the table. And I don’t see how you could have this so-called proof. I was nowhere near the office when I did it! I made sure to cover my tracks and did everything from your place! From your fax machine. From your computer. From your phone. Everything leads back to you.”

“Apparently you aren’t listening. We have proof. And according to my brother, we have quite a bit of it. You see, a few months ago I had a security system installed. It covers the entire house, except the bathrooms.”

Vanessa’s eyes flared frightfully. Her face paled. She knew she’d been caught. I smiled, knowing that the viper was going to spend the next several years rotting in jail.

“A security system? I’ve never seen cameras and I’ve been all over that house.”

“Oh, they’re there. You just can’t see them because the system was designed to be invisible to the naked eye.”

“Why wouldn’t you tell me that you had them installed? I’m your fiancée!” she howled indignantly.

“Correction. Youweremy fiancée. And I didn’t tell you because Michael had suspicions about you. Suspicions, it turns out, that he was right to have.”

“I’ve never done anything to make anyone suspicious of me! You’re just trying to cover your ass so you don’t lose your precious Ariel!”

“Actually, you’ve done a lot to make me and my brother doubt your trustworthiness.”

“Name one! I dare you.”

“For starters, let’s discuss how you were added to my credit card account and began spending left and right. We’re talking tens of thousands of dollars over the span of a year.”

“It was for the wedding!” Vanessa tried to offer as a defense.

“This started before I proposed. A proposal that I’m now certain that I never offered.”

“You did. You were just drunk and don’t remember.” I shook my head, pushing that aside for now.

“No, I don’t think so. Something tells me that you brought someone in to stage the whole thing to trap me into marrying you, but we’ll deal with that later.”

“You’re delusional.” Vanessa’s viciousness returned with blinding speed and was aimed directly at me. Ignoring her bluster, I continued on.

“And what about the cash that went missing from the safe in my bedroom? Tell me how money can just suddenly disappear, even though I’m the only one with the code to open it. How does twenty-five thousand dollars conveniently grow legs right before you took that girls trip with your sister? The one that you paid for, even though you haven’t been with the company long enough to afford such a luxury.”

“You’re lying! You’re just saying all this because you don’t want to lose your whore! I’m not going to stay here and listen to this!” Vanessa shrieked. It was clear that she had run out of ways to get out of what she had done.

“You fucking gold-digger!” Ariel’s shout caught me by surprise. I glanced over just as she took her rightful place at my side. Sucking in a deep breath, Ariel met my eye, silently telling me that she’d heard enough and that she believed me. Grateful to touch her again, I slipped my arm over her waist, wanting nothing more than to protect her and keep her safe.

“Who are you to call me names,trash?” Vanessa spat, furious, red-faced and seething. “I bet you’re going to lord it over me now, aren’t you? You’re going to rub it in my face that you’re the one that struck it rich. That you’re the one that hit paydirt, even though you don’t deserve it.”

“Who are you to say that I don’t deserve to love who I love?”

“Love? Oh, please. Don’t stand there and tell me that you actually love him?”

“I do!” Ariel professed. “I’ve loved him since the moment we met.” Ariel took my hand and threaded her fingers through mine. “Lucas is my everything, and I’ll love him until time ceases to exist.”

“I love you too.” The words poured from my mouth. Hearing her confess her feelings for me flooded my body with desire and all I wanted was to lose myself in her.

“What about me?” Phil chimed in after being silent for too long.

“What about you?” Ariel clapped back. “Why are you still here, Phil? I’m not getting back with you, and it’s obvious that she’s only using you. I think it’s time that you washed your hands of both of us and walked away.”

“Especially since Vanessa is about to go to jail.” I couldn’t help but chime in. I watched as Phil’s eyes grow wide with panic. A second later, he bolted from the scene without another word and never to be seen again. To her credit, Vanessa stood her ground.

“Go ahead, Ariel,” Vanessa spat. “Go ahead and lord it over me. You won. He’s yours. I hope your fucking happy with yourself.”