Page 68 of Forever Fated

“Now, back to business?” Reaper smiled faintly. “I want everyone wheels up at 12:45… not thirteen hundred. I hate tardiness, and we need to see if our newbies are going to hang back or be on time.”

“Are you flying this afternoon?”

“I can’t. I’m meeting with Bradford. This is your flight, brother. When you get back, I’ll show you how I want it typed up and documented.”

“Will do.”



My sweet soft Bunny…

I miss you so much and wish I could dance with you or snuggle close, because I really need to talk. I’m okay – more than okay – but I just have stuff on my mind and really want to hear your voice. I’m going to try calling this weekend – when do you work?

I hope that I dream of you tonight, because I just need to see that smile or hear your laugh… and never imagined how hard this separation could be.

I love you,


* * *

Destiny was staringat the pregnancy test when Killian’s email came through. He sounded so lonely, so lost and alone, that it was breaking her heart. Her emotions were being held together with the knowledge that they were going to have a baby.

The pregnancy test had two blue lines in the window, clear as day. She took a photo of the positive results and emailed it to him, hoping that cheered him up somewhat. She had hoped, prayed, and wished that it would happen this fast… but she never imagined how wildly ardent he would be too.

That had her laughing softly to herself, standing there, her heart full of joy. She never imagined just how sweet and romantic Killian would be, nor how much they would be intimate together.

The man was always reaching for her – and truthfully, she reached for him almost as much. There was nothing better than seeing the love in his eyes and that breathtaking smile of happiness in those private moments…

“Oh gosh, Killian…” she sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I wish you knew how happy I am right now because of you.”

She sat down immediately to reply to him, wanting to share her thoughts, and almost felt this was a way to document it for the baby.

She was getting much better on the computer, and found out how to make a folder to drag her emails into – making one labeled ‘Baby’. Maybe keeping these memories would be something she could read again and cherish one day – or put them all on a file, saving it for their child.

* * *

My beloved Sprinkles,

My heart is so full right now and I hope you got the photo I sent. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it’s positive. We’re going to have a baby!

I’m meeting your sister for lunch later today. I’m going to find out what obstetrician she goes to, so I can make an appointment… my hands are trembling. Ha ha ha! I have no idea what to expect is going to happen over the next several months, because when I pictured having a baby? I always remembered a dream I had and the delivery – not the rest of it.

You are probably thinking, ‘What dream’?... but I dreamed I had a child a long time ago and when I woke up? I realized it was nothing but my imagination and felt so lost, so alone - that was what prompted me to even come up with the crazy idea.

It felt so real… and now it will be.

I’m going to be working at the bar on Friday night until ten, Saturday night until midnight, and Sunday night until eight… call any day you can – and I’ll answer. I talked to Harvey recently and explained how you had to fly back. He knows that if you call, it’s my one shot to take the call, and is super-cool about it.

OHHH! Guess what?!

Meredith that used to work with me – is actually Handsy’s wife!

I was so shocked when I saw her at coffee on last Saturday. Melody showed up at the house, knocking loudly, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Apparently, the girls get together once every few weeks and have coffee so they can chit-chat. We were all sitting together at Dixie’s café in Yonder… when she walked in. Her baby is five months old and so beautiful.

We were both so stunned and surprised to see each other…