Page 69 of Forever Fated

* * *

Destiny laughed and hesitated,remembering that moment very clearly.

It had been so comical and so unexpected. She was sitting at a table after being ‘kidnapped’ by Melody and Betsy, her daughter. Delilah was bemoaning the fact that she was pregnant again – and they were teasing her about how babies were made…

“I love Cody so much – and let me tell you? That romantic cowboy just has this subtle confidence to him that is so sexy… making babies is no hardship at all,” Delilah laughed as she held her newest one that was six months old in her arms, feeding the child dressed in yellow pajamas a bottle.

… And in walked Meredith, holding a baby carrier on her arm.

Destiny looked up, met the other woman’s eyes, and both stopped.

“Who are you married to?” they said in unison – causing all conversation around them to stop.

“Y’all know each other?”

“Mike’s call sign is Handsy… he’s an instructor at Flyboys. What is going on? Wait a second – Glory? Is this your newest attempt? Goodness, girlfriend. My buddies and coworkers are off-limits, okay? Especially Destiny, she’s got enough on her plate.”

“I’m married to Killian Briscoe – who is Everly’s brother… or Ricochet,” Destiny said openly, feeling so proud to utter the words aloud.

“No waaaay….” Meredith drawled, her eyes glowing with happiness. “Yes ‘way’ and no foolin’? Whoaaamygosh! Mike is going to eat this up! Delilah, scootch over and let me in so I can find out the dirt. Did you go shopping on Black Friday? I missed it because of a bout of diaper rash that made my munchkin absolutely miserable.”

Destiny smiled and sighed again happily, turning back to her email to Killian, once more.

* * *

… I’m so happy in my life, and my heart has never felt so full. Thank you for loving me – and I can’t wait to talk to you.



* * *

Saturday night,it was after midnight, and she was getting her things together after a very busy evening. The bar had been packed, tips were good, and she was more than ready to get home so she could collapse into bed. As she was walking to her car, her cell phone rang – answering it quickly.


“Hey beautiful mama,” he said hoarsely, his voice full of so much emotion that it brought tears to her eyes.

“Hi, you sweet handsome man,” she began. “How’s the sexiest Daddy in the world?”

“Missing his pretty mama fiercely… how are you feeling?”

“Perfectly fine,” she admitted. “I actually feel pretty great. I met with Everly and called her doctor. I’ve got an appointment in two weeks to get checked.”

“And you’re happy about all of this?”

“I’ve never been so thrilled in my whole life,” she admitted. “Did you think I wouldn’t be? What’s going on? You sound like something’s on your mind…”

“I made rank,” Killian admitted quietly. “A lot has changed very quickly here, and I was promoted to squadron leader.”

“That’s phenomenal, Killian,” she gushed happily. “I’m so proud of you!”

“Yeah, I’m not quite sure what to think right now because I feel so overwhelmed sometimes. It’s a lot of pressure that I didn’t expect, trying to keep everyone upbeat and focused.”

“You can do it,” she whispered. “I know you can.”

“I appreciate the vote of confidence,” he said softly, his voice hesitant. “I never dreamed I would feel this way. Our lives, our love, just the beauty of what we are building, makes me feel so incredibly grateful to have been in the right place at the right time.”