Page 59 of Forever Fated

“I think that’s perfect and so fitting,” she laughed, releasing his hand to slide her arm around his waist, holding him close as they walked to the car.

“Right?” he beamed at her and then hesitated. “Are we in a hurry?”

“No? Why?”

“I feel like a kid right now, so full of energy, and…”

“And what?” she asked, laughing at the impish look on his face and how his grin made a dimple appear on his cheeks, in the faint moonlight. The clouds were scattered across the sky and thickening as the evening had worn on, making her wonder if they were going to get rained on… but instead it was just incredibly dark out, despite the lights in the parking lot.

“Have I mentioned just how much I love you?”

“You might have said something before.”

“The parking lot is packed with cars trying to flood out of here – and we are all the way out in the back.”

“We probably should have gotten here a little earlier,” she began, only to see his smile soften. “What?”

“Maybe it was fate?” he whispered tenderly, leaning forward to kiss her.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you want to do something crazy and completely stupid?”

“I don’t know,” she laughed nervously, feeling him kiss her cheek and then her jaw. “Howcrazyandstupidare we talking?”

“Very crazy,” he whispered in her ear, “And it’s only stupid if we get caught.”

“Killian…” she warned as a raindrop landed on her. “It’s fixing to rain. Is this crazy stupid thing indoors and dry?”

“Yes – and no,” he breathed – and opened the rear door of the car. “Get inside, my love.”

She looked at him questioningly – and saw him wag his eyebrows, causing a slow knowing smile to touch her lips. He dug out his phone, not caring that they were starting to get sprinkled on, and the haunting tune of Ride of the Valkyries started to play.

He tossed his phone on the back dash of her very tiny compact car.

“You ready for the ride of your life, wife?”

“You’re terrible,” she laughed throatily, feeling her cheeks heat up with embarrassment, staring at him in wonder and seeing the desire written all over his face as they both started to get rained on.

“Get in,” he said huskily, “We’ve got all night.”

* * *

They endedup staying there in the car for hours, talking about everything and anything imaginable. The car doors were locked and Killian was leaning back on the passenger rear panel, using it as a backrest once he’d straightened his clothing.

They had both laughed uncontrollably at how cramped the space was and his crazy ideas, but settled into a wonderful peace that was unimaginable. The rain was creating a steady tapping on the glass and body of the car, she was laying back in his arms, cuddling with him and warm, as they held each other.

“It might be March or April before I get to come back home,” he said softly, whispering in the stillness and kissing her temple. “Thank you for indulging me, and I know I push your limits sometimes, but I don’t want to miss a second with you… and I’d love to see your body change with our child.”

“I hope he or she has your eyes,” Destiny smiled, looking up at him as he dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Only if they get your smile,” he countered.

“What’s the one thing that you hopedoesn’tget passed along?”

“Mysmile,” he grimaced, and she looked up at him in shock. He had a beautiful smile and that truly surprised her.

“I love your smile…”