Page 60 of Forever Fated

“Lots of orthodontics,” he admitted wryly. “I had to have my wisdom teeth cut out, an impacted tooth in my lower jaw was removed, an expander that had a little key that you had to turn to widen the roof of my mouth, and wore a retainer for years and years.”


“Really-really,” he teased, pointing at his lower teeth. “See? Only three in front, not four.”

“Well, I’ll be darned…”

“Yup – and enough rubber bands to nearly wire my jaw shut.”

“I would have never pictured that.”

“What about you? What do younotwant to pass on to our children?”

“Timidness,” she said quietly. “I want our children to know it’s okay to be who they feel and not care what the rest of the world thinks. It took me forever to realize I could leave a bad home, because I was scared and listened to people tell me that I couldn’t… and the hardest part was the first steps. After that, it was so much easier, and you gain confidence.”

“Then that’s what we’ll teach them,” he said softly, his voice sounding immensely proud as he kissed her temple again, hugging her tightly. “We’ll teach them to be fearless and confident, leading by example.”

“So long as we don’t teach them to frolic in tiny cars in parking lots,” she laughed embarrassed. “You have no shame, you know that?”

“When it comes to you – it’s true,” he agreed, laughing easily.

* * *

Friday morning came– and with it a surreal feeling.

She was up, ready, and having a cup of coffee with Killian when there was a knock at the door at the side of the house, followed by someone testing the doorknob.

Killian shook his head, chuckled, and didn’t even look phased as Destiny stared in disbelief as she heard them talking to each other through the glass panes that were covered with a small curtain for privacy.

“Don’t do that!”

“What if they aren’t awake?”

“What if they are asleep and you scare them!”

“Normal people do not check doorknobs…”

“Since when am I normal?”

“Good point.”

“Want me to get it?” Killian whispered. “I’ll make sure they never test our doorknob again.” She shook her head and smiled at him – leaning down to kiss him tenderly.

“Have fun today, sweetheart,” he said softly. “I love you and will meet you at the bonfire later.”

Destiny walked over to the door, heard the women still bickering back and forth…

“You knock…”

“No, you do it. It’s early.”

“We told them via text to be ready at five.”

“It’s barely that.”

“Ughhh, we’ve got to get to the stores or I’m going to miss out. Jace wants a PlayStation 5, and they are on sale at Target.”

“Jax said he wants a DVD set of Battlestar Galactica – the new series…”