Page 35 of Forever Fated

“Sure, buddy…” Killian said aloud this time, turning slightly in his seat and mimicking the other man’s position, crossing his arms and leaning his seat back to rest before they landed – only to see Paradox glance at him.

“Congratulations, again.”

“Thank you,” Killian replied quietly. “I’m really happy and miss her already.”

* * *

Maestro wason Killian the moment that he and Paradox returned to the base from their brief vacation to Texas… and Killian was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

After the long flight, the layovers, seeing Destiny’s expressive eyes and knowing how stupidly happy he’d been just being around her – suddenly not seeing her was almost painful.

“Well?” Maestro began. “What did Everly say? How did she look? Does she miss me? Did she say anything about me at all? Did she get teary-eyed or catch her breath when you gave her the earrings? You did give them to her, right?”

Paradox was silent and walked straight towards the barracks.

Ricochet was exhausted, had a headache, and felt like a druggie going through withdrawal right now, missing his Destiny so very badly. He missed his sister, but saying goodbye to his new bride had been so much more intense.

He wanted to see her smile, hold her hand, or just dance together in the middle of the living room… kissing her once more under the stars again like he had at Flyboys before leaving.

“Sooo?” Maestro blurted out. “What did she say? How’s my son?”

“You’re good.”

“What’s that mean?”

“It means ‘you are good’…” Killian said quietly, remembering Everly’s reaction to the pink earrings – which is what prompted him to get Destiny some earrings that he’d hidden in the little jewelry box.

Did she find them yet?he thought silently to himself.

“She loved the earrings, got all weepy and mushy, and talked about you the entire time I hung out with her. Now, if you’ll excuse me? I’ve got to send an email and mail a package.”

“I’m coming,” Paradox volunteered grimly. “I’ve got to send an email, too.”

“Wait – how’s my son? What’s going on?” Maestro hollered behind the two men. Paradox paused and looked over his shoulder, answering the other man, startling both Killian and Maestro.

“Caleb is doing well and happy,” Paradox said candidly. “He’s excited about you coming to visit in a few weeks. You should bring him something from here.”

Killian kept walking just so Paradox didn’t see his smile. If the other pilot spent time with Caleb – that meant that he also spent time with Mallory. Was his friend interested in the prickly woman like he thought? He sincerely hoped so, because they could both use someone in their lives.

He immediately darted into the exchange on base, unsure what to buy for Destiny but needing to send her something immediately. He wanted to keep her on her toes, make her feel special, and planned on sending trinkets, memento, or things repeatedly.

Picking up an Air Force t-shirt like he used to exercise in, he also grabbed pair of running shorts also emblazoned with their emblem… and felt like the biggest idiot. She wasn’t going to like these – it was stupid. Glancing around for anything else, he grabbed a baseball cap… and spotted the glass case in the distance, making a beeline for it.

There were a few pieces of jewelry inside – but what caught his eye was the simple silver bangle with the tiny plane on a heart charm.


He was getting that for Destiny.

Paying, he took off to go mail the items to her and dropped by the communications room for the service members located in the building that housed the barracks.

Logging in, he was touched to see that Destiny had written him – twice. There was also a short email from his sister, saying how glad she was to see him, asking when he was coming back for a visit.

That was the easiest email to reply to…

Hey Runt,

I’m probably coming back sooner than expected. I’m checking the calendar shortly and will let you know when I can. I had a beautiful visit and can’t wait to return.