Page 36 of Forever Fated



* * *

Openingthe first email from Destiny, he couldn’t resist the smile that touched his lips.

Hey Sprinkles,

So, that pet name of yours is certainly growing on me and every time I see it – I keep thinking about us having cake and dancing together. I’m not sure how this happened, but I think I might like us being friends.

I was trying to think of things to talk about and realized that I have a very boring life – one that you have completely shaken up! What kinds of things do you like, beside sprinkles and doing crazy things for strangers?

Yours truly,


Killian saw the second email, clicking on it, before doing a doubletake. He had to re-read that email a few times just to make sure he wasn’t putting his own thoughts into her words. No, it was right there before him, and he wasn’t dreaming…

Hey Sprinkles,

You mentioned you liked music when you were here – and you had a concert shirt that you wore… and forgot. It’s here where you had taken it off and I see why you kept it. It’s comfortable. I found it, ran it through the laundry… and would you mind if I borrowed it or should I mail it back to you?

Also – there is a rock concert coming in November with five groups playing old hits. I don’t suppose that time around Thanksgiving is an option for you coming back, is it? If not, it’s no big deal… It was a sponsored ad and I fell for it, so no pressure.

You are going to think I’m weird, but maybe when you visit again, we can go on a date or something?

Annnnd I might erase this…


* * *

He immediately hit reply.

The sheer thought of her wearing his shirt, reaching out to him, and talking about them ‘dating’ was doing all sorts of insane stuff to him deep down inside. Heck yes, they were going on a date – and he wasn’t about to let his shy little bunny back away…

* * *

Hey Beautiful,

I just got back to the barracks and received your emails – we are absolutely dating when I come back for a visit. I’m checking the calendar in a few and will look at November for certain. Is there a date I need to specifically search for? I would love to see a concert with you!

Of course, you can keep my shirt… I’m jealous of the material and I cannot explain how much the thought of my lovely bride wearing my t-shirt appeals to me. I think I need to beat on my chest, have a raw steak for dinner, or start carrying a club around… because you are speaking directly to my male chromosomes right now.

Yes – I love music… and did you know I used to play electric guitar when I was younger? I wasn’t very good, but I dreamed of being famous someday. Doesn’t every kid? Maybe I’ll get another someday and play for you. Would you like that? Who’s your favorite bands?

By the way – I adore you addressing me as Sprinkles and sure miss your smile, that sweet little laugh, and the way you look at me.

I’m the luckiest man on Earth,


Sighing happily,he clicked send and then opened another window on the computer. It was time to look around and find something sweet, romantic, or enchanting for his sweet bunny…

“Oh man,” Killian laughed softly at himself. “I’ve got it so bad for her, it’s not even funny.”