Page 24 of Forever Fated

“You… you…” she stammered incoherently.

“Yes?” he said softly against her throat – doing it again and untucking her shirt from her jeans. “I’m still not kissing you, my precious one…”

“We should stop… dancing.”

“We shouldkeepdancing,” he countered, holding her close and nuzzling the space behind her ear with his nose. “What shampoo do you use?”


“Shampoo? What shampoo do you use? Maybe that is what I am smelling?”

“Oh… ah… oh gosh I cannot even think,” she muttered, clinging to his shoulders as his lips touched her throat again. “Pink bottle… like a dollar-ninety-nine… aisle eight, I think. Killian…oh man…”

His soft, confident laughter against her skin caused her knees to sag.

“I like that you can’t think when I hold you,” he whispered against her shoulder before nuzzling her chin and then her ear. “Can you imagine what it would be like if I kissed you?”

“No kissing,” she pleaded helplessly.


“Why what?”

“Why no kissing? Things are obviously good between us, and I will be so gentle with you…”

She opened her eyes and looked at his curious ones, seeing the heat and warmth in his dark gaze – along with so many questions.

“I can’t,” she begged hoarsely, feeling a burst of fear within her. This unexpected man was so sweet, so romantic, and so incredibly kind… if she remotely let him in and he decided she wasn’t the one for him? It would devastate her deeply. “Please just understand.”

“If you can trust me with your home and a marriage to bring a child into this world? What are younotwanting to trust me with?” he asked gently, his voice full of confusion as his finger traced her jawline, down the front of her shirt, and untucked it as well.

“Talk to me,” he urged softly. “You are trusting me with your body but…”

He stopped and looked at her – and she saw the comprehension in his eyes. There was an unflinching awareness and a yearning tenderness that made tears flood her eyes as there were no words between them for several moments. They were still swaying to the music, holding each other, while neither spoke.

Silently, he leaned forward, holding her close again and spoke against her hair with a gentleness that was staggering.

“Someday, I would be honored for you to trust me enough with your heart and soul… and proud to share our first kiss together. I’m perfectly okay waiting, Destiny - because I believe you are worth it.”

Destiny wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him, needing this comfort and knowledge that he understood – and treasured the man before her for unexpectedly coming to the understanding on his own. That sincerely impressed her, because maybe he felt the same if he understood.

“Did I mention that I bought us a bed…” he said softly, kissing her throat once more – and Destiny burst out laughing tearfully, hugging him close, and heard his laughter join in.

“I’m just sayin’…” he chuckled easily, wrapping his arm around her waist and picking her up to spin her around the room. “And we’ve got all night to dance together, hold each other, and just talk.”

“That sounds wonderful,” she admitted, sighing happily against his shoulders. “You are amazing.”

“I’m just me… your friend, your husband, and your partner,” he said humbly, causing her to smile as she fought against arching her neck against his lips once more, suddenly quite aware this was not going to go how she had planned.

He was too sweet, too nice…

* * *

They dancedfor nearly three hours, until the birthday candles sputtered out… leaving them in near darkness except for the faint glow coming from the bathroom light.

Killian took her hand, pulled her towards the bedroom door, so they could dance in there together, in the darkness. Neither spoke. Her hands were trembling as he pulled away slowly about ten minutes later, looking at her.

“No kissing,” he whispered. “I promise, but if we are going to do this…