Page 25 of Forever Fated

“Wait…” she suddenly froze, hesitating. “Can we just do other things?”

“Oh, we are going to do lots of other things,” Killian laughed softly, causing her stomach to do somersaults at the confident maleness of his voice. “But all of that starts with you trusting me.”

“I think I made a mistake,” she said tearfully, looking at him and searching the room for an exit strategy in case things suddenly got ugly.

She’d married this stranger who had done nothing but invest money into ‘her’ for the sake of having a ‘home’ and making a child – both of which she was retracting now that it was time.

“Talk to me…” he said softly. “Hey, it’s okay, little bunny… just talk to me.”

“I can’t do this,” she balked tearfully. “I’m so sorry. I’ll pay you back somehow, but I…”

“Destiny, stop.”

“Please don’t hurt me.”

“I’m not going to hurt you – but you are breaking my heart looking at me like I’m some monster,” he admitted, looking nervously at her. “Can I be honest?”

She nodded.

“I’m exhausted,” he grimaced, wincing at her. “I’m tired from moving furniture and putting stuff together… and while the idea of taking you to bed is definitely appealing? I’m rather tired.”


“I don’t want this to be something either of us dreads. I would rather we be friends and take our time getting to know each other.”

“Oh, me too…” she whispered tearfully. “You aren’t mad?”

“Not at all. Do you want me to leave?”

Destiny hesitated – and then shook her head negatively.

“No, if this is going to be your home… then let it become your home. We can both be adults and live together without any ofthat,” she said, waving her hand towards the bed.

“Yup,” he chuckled. “None ofthat…” he mocked, waving his hand like hers – and then pulling her close into a hug. “Thank you for not screaming in fear or running away from me. I was really worried about that.”

Destiny blinked, hesitating before relaxing into the hug.

“How about we just hold each other like an old married couple and talk until we fall asleep?” he whispered against her hair. “Friends?”

“You’re really okay with this?” she said tearfully, shocked at this turn between them.

“The best things in life are worth waiting for,” he said quietly, stepping back and climbing onto the bed in his jeans, collapsing against the pillow with his eyes closed. “I just don’t want to disappoint you on our wedding night. Dang, my back is killing me.”

“Let me get some ibuprofen,” she replied quickly and let out a small nervous chuckle, causing him to open one eye, looking at her.

“Are you laughing at me?”

“I’m just really kinda glad that this is our wedding night,” she admitted. “It seems a little more real, more special, because we both know that life isn’t full of sunshine and rainbows. This is easier to handle because I can understand it, whereas I was struggling with the whole whirlwind romance.”

“We can still have a whirlwind romance, you know…” he muttered, wincing. “Just because your husband is nearly lame from lifting things all afternoon doesn’t mean…”

“Killian,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “Let me get some ibuprofen and water – and relax. I’m happy we are going to take our time becoming friends and not pressuring the other person.”

He smiled softly at her.

“Me too.”