Page 91 of Forever Fated

“Alex, I’m going to get some sleep as soon as I give Killian all the details. Why don’t you go home and check on Everly and the baby? – And sleep, hon. I appreciate the ride here at two in the morning.”

“Will do,” Alex said, before leaning towards the phone. “Congrats Killian – your daughter is gorgeous.”

“You had the baby…last night?”

“Technically this morning – and please don’t feel bad. There was no build up, no really noticeable signs. Even Dr. Bow was shocked that she was being called in. I thought I had eaten something bad, was having a lot of bathroom issues, and went to lay back down again… only to wake up in a puddle. Then six hours later, I was holding Cate in my arms,” she said softly, still reeling at how fast and intense her delivery was.

It was nothing like her dream… and that surprised her.

She had always imagined that feeling of having the baby, knowing someone was there, and yearning for that moment with every fiber of her being… yet that wasn’t the case.

This time, reality exceeded fantasy.

“You are feeling okay?”

“I feel great, Killian, and honestly – her birth was so smooth and easy. I was shocked, because I expected it to be a lot like Everly’s.”

Her sister-in-law had been in labor almost fifteen hours and was completely miserable, finally giving in and asking for an epidural. Destiny had tried to stay with her as long as she could, holding her hand, getting her ice chips, but as the contractions grew more powerful? Everly told her to leave, because she didn’t want to make Destiny fear her own impending delivery.

“Oh wow,” Killian breathed, sounding shocked. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there Destiny, and…”

“Please, don’t feel bad,” she admonished. “I’m happy it happened like this because I didn’t feel distracted, was able to experience every bit of it, and wasn’t scared in the slightest. It was just me and Cate, doing our thing, and now we are both cleaned up, feeling better, and ready to see our most favorite person in the entire universe.”

“I’m going to be on the next plane out of here.”


“I’m sorry I let you down…”

“Stop,” she chuckled. “You didn’t let me down – nor could you have done anything. You can’t make the contractions go faster, change the speed she emerges from me, nor make her arrive any differently. It was all completely out of my control – and hers. Things happened along in the timeframe they were meant to come… and I felt like I was a spectator of some incredible show. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, it does. Have I mentioned that I love how your mind works?”

“Well, my mind is saying you should probably be hanging up, saying ‘bye’ to Reaper and your buddies, and packin’ a bag, buster,” she teased, and heard his easy laugh.

“I love you – and heading towards Reaper’s office in a few moments. I will be home in about fifteen hours or so.”

“Me too,” she chimed in – causing them both to laugh once more. “Beat ya’ there…”

“Sounds like a plan,” he chuckled. “I seriously love you, Destiny Briscoe.”

“Get here soon, sweetheart. A statement like that should have some kissing behind it.”

“I plan on kissing you often for years and years to come.”

“Gosh, I love your sweet talk…”

“I’m hanging up so I can ‘sweet talk’you… in person,” he chuckled.

* * *

Destiny had just gingerly satdown on the loveseat with Cate in her arms when the side door at the kitchen burst open noisily, causing Everly and Alex to both jump in alarm.

Everly was sitting beside her, breastfeeding her son, Alexander Kendall Wilcox Junior… whom Destiny teased and called Lex Luthor, making Alex frown – and Everly laugh.

“No,” Everly said openly. “Just no. We have Alex… and Alexander – but no Lex Luthors… okay? And we are not calling him Kenny, Kendall, or Junior either. If I can tell Nana ‘No’– then I am telling you ‘No’too.”

Killian came right in the door – took one look at Alex, then Everly, and slapped his hand over his eyes.