Page 92 of Forever Fated

“Goodness, woman – cover yourself!”

“I’m feeding the baby, you dolt,” Everly snapped. “It’s a boob, you boob!”

“I want to see my wife and daughter… not my sister’s…appendage,” Killian said, sounding horrified, causing all of them to laugh. Destiny got to her feet and patted Everly on the shoulder.

“Keep feeding, Lex…”

“Alexander,” Everly frowned, “And I have no intention of stopping or elsemy nipple,” she stressed, goading her brother, “comes flying out of my son’s mouth – and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

Killian whimpered, dropped his bag, and covered his hand with the other one now, as if to make sure that he definitely didn’t see anything.

“Breastfeeding is natural, you nitwit…” Everly called out, ignoring Alex’s laugh as he started the coffeemaker in the kitchen.

“Killian,” Destiny said gently, tugging his arm forward. “Come with me and let’s let Everly finish feeding Alexander.”

“Hear that?” Everly said aloud, “Alexander just rolls right off the tongue so easily, and it’s a beautiful name.”

“Quit picking on Ricochet,” Alex said in the distance, chuckling and winking at Destiny. “Go. Coffee will be ready in a bit.”

“You can take your hands off your face now,” Destiny said, guiding Killian towards their bedroom. She couldn’t help but smile as he gingerly let down his hands and let out a sigh of relief.

“Do you want to sit down? I can lay her down or you can…”

Killian leaned forward, kissing Destiny immediately. His lips were tender, warm, and loving, as he cupped her head gently, the baby between them in her arms. It wasn’t a kiss of passion, but rather a way to show how he felt, expressing his love and gratitude for this moment and all that were to come. As he broke the kiss, he pressed his forehead to hers, and sighed.

“Are you really okay?” he whispered gently.

“I’m good,” she breathed softly. “A little tender and sore, but I feel great. I promise. I had an easy delivery, and Cate’s so wonderful.”

“I nearly felt my heart leap out of my chest when you told me you had the baby already. I was so scared that there was an emergency, that I might have been so close to losing you and completely unaware,” he hesitated, his voice cracking. “I’ve never been so scared that you were trying to hide or cover up something in my entire life – and I needed to see you with my own eyes to make sure you were okay.”

“I love you too,” Destiny teased lovingly, smiling at him as his lips curled upwards. “Now, are you ready to meet our daughter?”

“Very much so,” he breathed.

Destiny carefully moved the sleeping baby from her arms, maneuvering around to lay Cate in Killian’s arms… and stepped back, memorizing these moments and soaking in the sheer love and rapt wonder on his beautiful face. His dark eyes widened, and this sweet smile touched his mouth as he looked at her.

“What color are her eyes?” he said softly, glancing up at Destiny.

“Brown,” she grinned smugly. “A beautiful deep brown like her Daddy’s.”

“Well, I got one thing right, didn’t I?” he crooned softly, his finger tracing the tiny ear and touching the little pink cheek that seemed almost too large for her little face. Cate had rolls on her little body that was the sweetest thing she’d ever seen… and was a whopping eight-and-a-half pounds of joy.

“She’s so tiny and fragile,” Killian breathed.

“She’s actually bigger than Alexander.”

“Ha!” he taunted softly, grinning proudly and winking at Destiny. “Good genetics will do it every time.”

She stepped closer to him, pulling back the swaddling on the baby to reveal the tiny little body clothed in a pajama gown. Cate’s teensy feet were wearing little socks and she stretched her hands, as if to say ‘Hey! Who took my blanket’ – and Killian put his first finger against her hand, and she clenched it. Her tiny fingers looked so small against his own.

“How is this even possible?” he breathed reverently.


“I felt like my heart was already overflowing,” Killian began hoarsely, looking at her with those dark eyes shining. “And now I feel so much more. I didn’t think there was this much emotion in the entire universe – but now I see that it was an untapped well. I would sacrifice anything for your smile, but the depths that this girl evokes in me? That is truly incredible.”

“She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Destiny smiled proudly, feeling her own eyes sting with emotion as her strong, protective husband wiped his tears away on the back of his hand.