Page 85 of Forever Fated

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Killian collapsedinto bed after getting a shower, exhausted. He fell asleep as Destiny rubbed liniment on his back, massaging it in to help loosen the muscles. He would show her tomorrow what they’d done, but for tonight? He was bone weary.

They had framed all the walls, built the floor joists, built trusses and made the roof, cut the doorway and framed it in and installed the window, before enclosing the entire thing with plywood.

Tomorrow he would be installing shingles, insulation, the electrician and plumber would be there working, and the tile was going in. He had a swatch of pink from one of the baby’s receiving blankets that Destiny loved, and wanted that color on the wall.

Killian was going to put cedar planks along the ceiling, giving them a vaulted ceiling that would match some of what was present in the living room. Everyone was helping everywhere, and he couldn’t have done it without them.

The next morning when his alarm went off, he reached for Destiny… only to find her side of the bed empty. Sitting up, he saw she wasn’t even in the room and started to make his way towards the kitchen – only to see that the new bathroom door was open.

“Destiny…?” he said gently, wondering if she was going to be upset. Instead, she turned and smiled at him, beaming so proudly it made his chest tighten.

“You are incredible,” she said softly. “And I’ll be washing your back before you leave, husband.”

“Any more motivation and I’ll learn how to fly with my noodle arms,” he joked, because they certainly felt like it today. He’d cut, hammered, and moved so much wood yesterday that he felt like a termite. “Are you happy?”

“I’m stunned, thrilled, and feel like I’m in a dream. I love the window over where the bathtub will be. It allows in so much light, and really appreciate the frosted glass.”

“Nobody is seeing that gorgeous body but me.”

“Well take it easy with your body today… so you can,” she prompted pertly, and he flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry I fell asleep last night.”

“Don’t be,” she chided. “I’m glad I was here to rub your back, and it gives me a chance to touch you – so I’m happy.”

“I want to do more than just touch you,” he said softly, pulling her into his arms and kissing her passionately, while idly wondering if he had enough time to fool around before everyone started showing up. As Destiny wound her arms around his neck and things began to intensify… he heard a knock at the door – and his wife’s soft curse.

“Okay,” she muttered. “Maybe I’m grateful – and annoyed.”

“I’ll set an alarm for a little earlier and we’ll start tomorrow out right. I promise,” he said softly, before yanking on some jeans to answer the door… and heading outside to get to work right away.

* * *

Reeling,Killian collapsed in a chair in the dining room while the guys sprawled out everywhere… exhausted.

Alpo and Thumper were stretched out on the love seat, drinking a tall glass of iced water. Valkyrie and Firefly were both in the lawn chairs that Destiny had been using when he first met her. The electrician had left for the day, having already wired the socket, installing the plug and light fixture. The bathroom now had a fully functioning toilet, sink, and a massive bathtub – and the plumber was sitting at the kitchen table with Killian.

Everyone looked beat.

Everything was done… all he had to do was paint the walls above the tilework. Even the exterior was completed. Firefly had primed and painted it, sealing the window from the exterior along with installing soffits to keep out any bugs or animals from climbing inside the roof area.

Every inch of his body ached, and there wasn’t one muscle he didn’t use today… except maybe his brain – because he had to be an aggressive idiot to think that they could build an addition to the house, a bathroom at that, within three days… yet, it was nearly done.

The tub had to sit for twenty-four hours before usage, so tonight he was going to limp into bed one more time and rely on Icy Hot to loosen everything that was seized within him.

He was planning on soaking in his tub tomorrow night – and would definitely take Destiny up on her offer to wash his back… as soon as he indulged in his own dreams.

“How are you feeling? Do you want me to order a pizza?” she asked gently, rubbing his shoulders as Killian groaned deeply. Alpo threw his hat at him, grinning.

“Next time I’m bringing Glory with me so she can rub my shoulders, ya’ big baby…”

“Jealous, much?”

“I’m heading home so my wife can rub everything…” Valkyrie muttered, smirking.

“She’ll end up pregnant again,” Firefly sang out, grinning, as he saluted with his glass of ice water.

“… She already is,” Valkyrie sang back, laughing, as the guys immediately stuck out their hands, shaking his, and clapping him on the back. “We just didn’t want to take away from Ricochet and Destiny’s moment the other day, but yeah, we are both pretty stoked about the baby.”