Page 84 of Forever Fated

“Done – and done,” Killian grinned, imagining that Destiny would do the same with her home she’d worked so very hard for.

* * *

Hours later,he was home with a staggering number of two-by-fours, galvanized nails, an outlet, PVC pipes, flanges, elbows, urethane caulk, plywood, a vent fan, a small window, and other items. Valkyrie insisted that he pick up as much as possible, because they were going to need it all – and fast.

Pulling up to the house, the men instantly set to work, hauling the boards around back of the house and Killian showed them where he’d laid out the area.


“It worked…”

“Only until the first rain, ya’ dork!”

“Alright, alright. Let’s get at it.”

“Is Destiny here or out?”

“She’s here.”

“You might want to bring her some coffee or wake her up – because we are about to start sawing, and my table saw is quite loud… FYI, your neighbors will hate your guts after this.”


“It’s barely nine in the morning.”

“They should be at work.”

“Nuh-uh,” four men said at once.


“You meant, ‘Oh well’…” Firefly teased. “Because we are starting, and you are on a deadline.”

He high-fived Ricochet as he walked past, moving quickly to wake Destiny, who was sitting up in bed, looking awfully confused and groggy.

“Hey, I thought I heard talking,” she whispered, rubbing her eyes… and the scream of a saw pierced the air – causing them to widen immediately.

“Good morning,” he said sheepishly. “I made you coffee and you should spend the day at Melody’s house. We are going to be making a lot of noise, and she has a garden full of veggies, plus some of her hens laid eggs, and…”

“Y’all are starting on the bathroom… now?”

“Yeah – and we plan to have it finished before I fly out.”

“Are you serious?”


“And you want me gone?”

“Not really,” Killian said tenderly, sitting on the side of the bed beside her. “Honestly, I want to crawl right back into bed and make love to you – but when they cut a hole in the side of the wall? You might have problems with that. Firefly suggested you not be here, because Melody cried when he did it to their home, and your tears would break me.”

“I love you, crazy man,” she smiled and nodded. “I’ll go – because I’m going to need that hole in my house closed up before anyone is fooling around in here.”

“Ahhh,” Killian winked at her. “Motivation. I love it – and just so you know? We are taking that bath together before I leave… that’s how serious I am about this being done. So, I made the coffee for you – and I’m heading outside with the guys. Don’t you worry about a thing.”

“Four days?”

“It will be done. I swear it.”