Page 5 of Forever Fated

If that had been his sister Everly, he would like to think someone would have helped her out or be kind to her – and he’d snatched the phone from the woman.

If that other person wouldn’t help her, Killian certainly would.

Now, he wasn’t a fool.

The woman could have been strung out on drugs, had seven children at home, or any number of obstacles… however, something in her eyes spoke to him – and he wanted to know more about her.

It had taken quite a bit of coaxing to get her to agree to join him for dinner, but the moment he heard her stomach growl audibly? It was decided. He didn’t care what she said anymore. They were going to talk, have dinner, and he wanted to simply help.

Who knew he had some stupid hero-complex inside of him?

Killian hopped in the rental vehicle and saw Destiny waiting, before she drove forward, allowing him to follow.

Was this stupid? Probably.

A waste of money? Sure.

He believed in giving back, confident that it would be returned or rewarded at some point in this life - or the next. His sister always teased him about his soft heart, but he needed to be the white knight in shining armor rescuing the damsel in distress.

There was enough pain, devastation, and war in the world already.

Pulling into the parking lot of the nearly empty Waffle House, Killian parked beside her vehicle and got out. He could smell the food from outside the building and was looking forward to a good, greasy breakfast.

Scattered, smothered, diced, and chunked…he mused, remembering their decadent hashbrowns.Witheggs so fluffy it would make your mother sing, combined with a pecan waffle?Oh yeah, he could really put away the food when it came to breakfast items.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked for the fifth time and Killian laughed, rubbing his stomach.

“I’m starving and going inside to disgrace myself on an abundance of cholesterol. I would really appreciate the company… but if you only want a coffee? Then you are still welcome to join me.”

Nodding, she followed him inside as he slid into the first booth, taking a deep breath and relaxing - finally. They should have come here instead of the bar that Thumper and Alpo suggested.

No, this place smelled great and brought back so many memories of his first duty station. There was a Waffle House down the road from the base in Louisiana, before he was assigned to Ghazni… and he was there all the time.

Destiny sat down tentatively opposite of him, still looking nervous, as Killian smiled openly at the waitress.

“Evenin’,” he said simply, not even looking at the menu, but setting one down in front of Destiny.

“Good evening, handsome,” the woman said easily. “What can I get you folks?”

“I’ll have a coffee, an orange juice, and a water… all three – plus a large order of hash browns, scattered, smothered, diced, and chunked. A large pecan waffle with extra butter, a side of bacon, three eggs scrambled – oh! And one of those cinnamon rolls,” he smiled easily, and glanced at Destiny’s shocked expression. “Plus, whatever my friend wants.”

“You sound like you’ve done this before,” the waitress chuckled. “You sure you can put all that food away?”

“Oh yeah,” he grinned. “I’m just debating on a slice of that pie. If it’s pecan, I’ll have pie, too.”

“It’s pecan,” the woman laughed, scribbling it down on the notepad and looking at Destiny. “What can I get you, hon?”

Destiny glanced at him, almost as if she was taking his temperature.

“I’ll have a coffee,” she began – and he smiled broadly at her. “And a cheese omelet…”

“Keep going,” he encouraged softly. “If you don’t finish it – I can.”

… And Destiny actually chuckled in amazement, shaking her head in wide-eyed disbelief as she glanced at him again.

“A side of bacon…?”

“And?” he prompted, causing her to smile nervously at him.