Page 4 of Forever Fated

If she was going to pay rent to live in a pigsty, then it would be her own.

A place where she didn’t have to worry about bugs, mice, extreme cold in her room during the winter and heat in the summer, or her father’s friends eyeing her - coming and going at all hours.

Grabbing a plastic trash bag, she’d left and took the first bus she could find headed in any direction… then the next bus… and the next – until she was here, looking at this stranger before her.


“I’m never going to hurt you,” he murmured softly, holding out his arm again. “Come – and you can order whatever you want.”

“I’m scared.”

“I can tell.”

“Please don’t be this nice only to turn into a creep…”

“How about I tell you all my flaws over a hot meal, so you know I’m only human… and a jerk – but never a creep,” he smirked, his dark eyes dancing. “I’ll even let you call my sister if you want verification that I’m a jerk.”

Destiny half sobbed – and half laughed at his crazy offer, putting her hand on his arm. This man was anything but a jerk, and she could see it in his eyes.

He stepped forward slowly, leading her out of her corner. As they walked through the bar, she saw one of the men at the table look up as he raised an eyebrow in a silent question.

“Paradox – can you get a ride?” Killian said.


“Thanks, brother.”

They exited the building, and he clicked the remote on his car, causing it to chirp – but walking her towards her vehicle parked under the lamp post not far away.

“That man is your brother?” Destiny asked nervously a few moments later. “You don’t look alike at all. Do you have different parents?”

“Very,” Killian grinned. “I work with the guy. You didn’t question his name… but questioned our relationship?”

“Paradox… Destiny…” she began and hesitated. “You didn’t question my name either.”

“No, I didn’t,” he smiled, opening her car door for her. She glanced at him in surprise and then slid into the driver’s seat. “Why don’t you start it and let’s make sure our buddy disabled the unit.”

“He’s not my friend.”

“He’s not mine either – it was an expression,” Killian acknowledged and nodded as her car started, shutting her door. “How about I follow you?”

“Are you sure about this?” she questioned warily.




Killian hated a bully…much less one that made a woman cry.

He had seen the gorgeous woman with the skittish eyes headed for their table – only before the bartender stopped her. Her expression had fallen, right before gathering up her purse, and walking out of the building.

For a moment he was afraid she’d gotten fired – and as he got up to go check on her? She reappeared, heading towards the restrooms. She was about the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen, even if she was exceedingly skinny.

It reminded him of a starved, frightened, cowering puppy… and that bothered him. He was going to say hello, ask her to dinner, but the phone conversation had stopped him in his tracks.

She was begging some stranger for help – and being turned down.