Page 48 of Forever Fated

“Maestro’s grandmother.”

“Mercy,” she breathed, looking horrified.

“I know. You should have heard the car ride over,” Killian laughed softly. “You look wonderful and I’m so happy to see you. Let’s go before she starts honking again.”

He took her hand in his, leading her to the car and hesitated.

“Just a second…” he grimaced – and got in the car first, scooting close towards Paradox.

“Keep your bum from touching me, dude…”

“My wife is not going to be shoved up against you or any other man.”

“Why not?”

“Because I said so!” Killian snapped and then turned to Destiny, who waited. “C’mon. Get in the car, and I’ll try to give you some room…”

“… How?” Paradox interjected, speaking over him.

“Why don’t we just take our car?” Destiny offered – and he felt Paradox shove him hard, pointedly.

“Seriously – move, Ricochet.”

“We’ll meet you both at Everly’s,” Killian agreed, getting out quickly and shutting the car door. As they walked over to her car, he heard Destiny humming at little ditty under her breath and smiled.

“Are you singing ‘Sally, Sally’?”

“Oh no,” Destiny smiled. “I don’t know that song. It’s a silent pep talk for the car because it’s ornery sometimes.”

“Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine. Don’t go getting all weird on me,” Destiny said nervously, getting in the car.

“Tell me if something is wrong so I can help.”

“I will – if something is wrong.”

“Hey,” he said softly, resting his hand on the back of her neck where she sat in the driver’s seat. “Now that it’s just us… can I say hello without someone honking the horn at us or interrupting?”

“I thought we needed to go?”

“I think we can take two minutes for ourselves,” he said tenderly, staring at Destiny, memorizing her lovely face. “I’ve missed you.”

Killian watched as she unbuckled without hesitation, and fought back a smile because he hadn’t even bothered yet – drawing her into his arms immediately, kissing her. He loved the way she melted against him, needing to taste her, and craving that sweet little sigh that escaped her against his lips.

“Welcome home,” she whispered softly, gently rubbing her nose against his affectionately – and he couldn’t even speak because of the lump in his throat at the sweetest words he’d ever heard spoken aloud. Instead, he nodded and kissed her briefly once more.

Destiny started the car, pulling out of the driveway, and within minutes they were parking behind the car that was emptying quickly.

“I’m going to go ahead and get my bag so I can put it in our car that way when we are ready to leave, we can just go,” Killian said openly. “Can you pop the trunk?”


Killian grabbed his bag and tossed it in the trunk of Destiny’s vehicle, before taking her hand and seeing her shy smile. He saw his parents’ converted van in the driveway and noticed her eyes darting around nervously… only to hear Maestro’s voice from the open front door as Caleb was screaming happily.

“Killian is coming, and I think in shock from my grandma’s mouth…” Maestro was saying, “Mr. Briscoe, Mrs. Briscoe, it’s very nice to meet you.”

“They’ll love you,” Killian said softly, tugging Destiny close to his side and seeing her nervous expression. “I promise.”