Page 47 of Forever Fated

“Paradox! NANA!” Maestro said immediately. “Can everyone just please get in the car? I want to see Everly and my son.”

“We need to stop and pick up my wife.”

“Blondie’s married? What about you, my big strappin’ fella?”

“I’m not available nor interested.”

“You never know until you try…”

“I’m good,” Paradox said bluntly, crossing his arms and staring down the woman like she was a challenger in a match.

“I’ll just bet you are,” Nana said and curled her hand at him, making her nails look like claws. “Rawrrrr, tiger.”

Paradox actually cracked a smile, while Maestro muttered something under his breath and slapped his hand on his forehead.

“Seriously? Can we go?”

“Yes – please,” Killian agreed, both men reaching for the door and getting inside the vehicle… only to see Paradox open the driver’s side door for the older woman like she was his own grandmother.

“Ooooh,” Nana said, smiling as she got in the car. “I like him. Can I take him home with me?”


“You’re no fun, Alex,” she audibly ‘pshawed’ before patting Maestro on the knee where he sat in the passenger front seat. Killian sat directly behind his friend. She literally patted him like a grandma would, and expected her to offer him some candy or something next.

“Is that trollop Mallory going to be at Everly’s?”

“I beg your pardon?” Killian gawked, shocked, and heard Maestro groan as he covered his face.

“I’ll thank you not to say that ever again,” Paradox said bluntly in a barely veiled threat. “You may be old and frail woman, but that nasty tongue of yours isn’t. Don’t make me tempted to disable it as well.”

Both men turned to look at Paradox in utter shock.

He just threatened an old woman…over Mallory?

“Hit a nerve, did I?”

“Yes ma’am, you did.”

“You and the strumpet, huh?” Nana said unphased, looking in the rearview mirror at them… as Paradox cracked his knuckles threateningly – only to see the woman shrug before she smiled.

“I’m easy too, big boy.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Paradox made a noise that almost sounded like a laugh, while Maestro stared at his grandmother in shock.

“I’ll tell my wife we are on the way,” Killian said firmly, hoping that the barely veiled hint was noticed.

“Alright, Blondie… cool your britches,” and Nana finally started the car.

* * *

Ten minutes later,Killian jogged up to the front door quickly without bothering to wait for Nana to put the car in park. He literally raced towards Destiny and saw her opening the door to meet them – only to pull her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

“I missed you,” she whispered against his shoulder – and he melted. Moving to kiss her, both of them jumped at the sound of a horn honking loudly in a long, delayed fashion.

“C’mon, Blondie!” Nana yelled from the car. “You can do your lip-lockin’ later on your own time.”

“Who is that?” Destiny uttered, her eyes wide.