Page 39 of Forever Fated

“Good,” he replied and sighed heavily. “And my timer is counting down. I did get approved for time off at Thanksgiving. If you’ll send me the link to the concert - I’ll buy the tickets or transfer money into your account. You should be getting your bankcard in the mail soon.”

“I’ll get them then.”

“Sounds good.”



“I can’t wait to hold you in my arms, and maybe we can dance together again?”

“I will dance with you forever, my…”

The phone call cut off abruptly as the calling card ran out – and she sat there staring at it and feeling absolutely bereft. His beautiful voice was suddenly gone and with it her brief line of communication between them. She had email now… and that was it.

Letting out a shaky breath, she put her keys in the ignition and drove home, feeling so alone.



Killian receivedan email from his sister that was brief, yet full of joy – Everly was marrying Maestro, who was in Texas with her currently. The man had returned back to Yonder quickly, unable to stay away, and he understood.

Destiny was always in his thoughts.

He was so happy for them both, comprehending that feeling more than he ever thought possible… and wanted Everly to meet Destiny. Yes, he was coming home for Thanksgiving and would spend it with his family, in more ways than one!

* * *

Dear Runt,

I can honestly say that I am not surprised you and Maestro are tying the knot. The guy is absolutely crazy about you, and while he doesn’t talk much – when he does speak, it’s always ‘Everly this…’ or ‘Everly that…’

… And while I never want to sway your decision? I couldn’t ask for a better person to look out for my sister. Maestro is a good man – and I can’t wait to see the two of you together.

Maybe we should start looking at the calendar for either Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas together? I’m actually planning a trip back in a month, but for a different reason – we’ll talk more when I get there.

I love you, Runt – and just want you happy… always.


P.S. – can you do me a favor? Tell Mallory that Paradox loves his cookies ‘fat and weird’. She will know what I’m talking about, because it’s actually a thing. I looked it up myself. That man is goofy and a freak, I tell ya… so yeah, stick with Maestro – please.

* * *

He sighed heavily,already missing Ghost.

The bubbly man had left three days ago to return to his wife, taking a position at Flyboys as an instructor. The man brought such an air of joy that the entire barracks felt empty now that he was gone… and things were so tense here.

The briefings they had each morning were terse and abrupt – and the team could do nothing right it seemed. Killian was having to run laps more and more – and had lost a little weight. He was trying to keep his mouth shut, but hated being talked to like he was a disposable object.

Even Paradox and Riptide spoke up this morning – both of them running laps with Killian this afternoon.

Reaper just stood there at parade rest, staring ahead while Reilly berated them all… grinding his teeth. Killian could see the man’s jaw flexing from his seat, yet remained silent – which meant one of two things.

Either Reaper agreed with Reilly’s assessment…? Or he had vacation scheduled on the books and was afraid to have it denied by the vindictive man.

Destiny and he were exchanging emails on a daily basis and that was probably the only thing keeping him from coming over the desk towards his superior officer… He wasn’t going to lose his chance to visit home.