Page 40 of Forever Fated

Paradox was flying out with Killian – again – and now he knew something was going on between the other pilot and Mallory. He was glad for Paradox, and though he rarely brought her up?

All the signs were there.

Paradox was in the communications room almost as often as he was there – both sending emails.

Killian also wasn’t holding back anymore. The emails were getting a little braver between the two of them, even though when they spoke it was light banter and flirting… but it was definitely intensifying.

Today he bought online a set of receiving blankets that had tiny little airplanes all over them – and mailed them to Destiny. She had told him yesterday that she found a mobile for a baby crib that had little clouds that spun around an airplane… which meant she was still thinking about things between them, too.

Paradox caught him looking at lingerie online and gave him single arched eyebrow in silence – while Sparky and Riptide teased him openly.

“If you wear a teddy in the barracks? I’m pretty sure Copperhead will snap and put you through a wall. He earned his name at the Academy for a reason, you know…”

“Lace itches, dude…”

“Right? Satin or silk is better, but it doesn’t ‘breathe’… you’ll chafe, brother.”

“You want to make sure it fits right on your body.”

“It’s not for me, you morons,” Ricochet muttered, feeling slightly alarmed at their teasing – but Paradox took care of that.

“You’re buying lingerie… for your wife?” the man drawled, grinning.

“Wait! You’remarried?”

“What? Since when? Congratulations, brother!”

“Who’s married?” Reaper said from the doorway, looking at the four men carefully.

Killian wished there was someone else, anyone else in the room to point at, because it was going to get back to Flyboys – which meant they would want to reach out to Destiny.

He’d heard about how they all put together ‘start up boxes’ and how they helped Ghost and Mary move, how they loved hosting receptions at Dixie’s café, and could only imagine the pressure put on his sweet, shy wife…

Instead, he sat there silently.


… And Sparky spoke up, grinning like a madman.

“Either Ricochet likes satin undies and,” the man looked over his shoulder, causing Killian to immediately reach forward to turn off the screen, “… And lace babydolls for himself – or he’s shopping for his new bride that Paradox just blabbed about.”

“I thought you were single?”

“Hewas,” Paradox volunteered, grinning at Killian, and lacing his hands behind his head as he leaned back looking supremely satisfied with himself. “He married some bar-bunny in Tyler while he was down there.”

“She’s not a bar-bunny, you imbecile… she’s a waitress – and my wife,” Killian snarled, getting to his feet as Paradox’s smile widened. “I told you to keep your darn mouth shut, too!”

“I told you not to set me up with Maestro’s cast-offs…”

“I didn’t!”

“Whoa… whoa, boys,” Reaper said firmly as tempers were flaring. “I haven’t heard any of this from my wife and she usually tells me pretty quickly if there was a wedding…”

“We wanted it to be just us, so we have some privacy. She’s really meek and shy.”

Riptide tapped him on the shoulder.

“Your girl isn’t going to wear any of that, buddy,” he whispered loudly. “Get her flannel instead.”