Page 30 of You Will Bow

“Oh yeah?” I push toward her, ready to let my fist fly, but I’m pulled back by Ridge when his arms wrap around my stomach. “Bring it on, bitch. You and your fucking friend.” Ridge lifts me and my sweater rides up, exposing my stomach, while my feet leave the ground. “Let’s fucking go.”

I’m being carried away when Scar appears out of nowhere, tearing into the girls. “Put me down!” I shout at Ridge.

“Not a chance in hell. You’re better than that.”

“The fuck I am.” I wait for him to loosen his hold, then kick out, trying to break free. “Scar needs backup, now put me the fuck down.” With my head turned, I see that the girls are walking away. I breathe a sigh of relief, now slightly more settled.

Scar has a bigger mouth on her than I do, much bigger. In fact, I’m not even sure where that defensive side of me came from.

Once we’re back in the student center, Ridge sets me down.

My hands run down my chenille sweater, smoothing out the wrinkles. Standing up straight, I push away the strands of hair in my face. “What did those girls want with you?”

Ridge gives a cheeky smile as he scratches the back of his neck. “Were you watching me, Angel?”


“Yeah, you were,” he teases, poking at my side and making me squirm.

“I was eating lunch and happened to see you. Don’t let it go to your head.” I grab his hand to stop him from tickling me, but once it’s in mine, I don’t let it go. We both freeze, staring longingly at each other. In awe, I just stand there—holding on to him while the world pauses around us. Students come and go, but it’s only him I see.

The sound of my phone buzzing has me breaking from our shared gaze. “Sorry,” I say, reaching into my back pocket and pulling it out.

Repulsion fills my stomach when my phone lights up with a message from Lev. "I, err…I need to go."

In an instant, Ridge tries to snare my phone from my hand, but I’m faster and hide it behind my back.

He bends and twists, but I keep turning as he attempts to steal a glance. “Who was it?”

I manage to slip it in my back pocket. “It was Scar asking me to finish lunch with her. Possessive much?”

“Me? What about you, Miss Ready to Attack the Headmaster’s Daughter Because She Touched My Arm?”

My cheeks flush with heat. “I was not going to attack her. I was simply helping you out of a sticky situation.”

“Uh-huh,” he hums, “say what you want, but I know you were jealous.”

“Was not!”

“Who said the situation was sticky? Maybe I wanted her to touch my arm.”

“Bullshit,” I spatter, calling his bluff. “I saw you gnash your teeth and heard you tell her not to touch you. Admit it, you don’t want any other girls to touch you but me.”

It’s highly presumptuous, and overly confident of me to say. But it’s true, and we both know it.

“I’ll admit it when you admit that her touching my arm bothered you. And you didn’t want either of those girls thinking they stood a chance. Which they didn’t, by the way.”

“Fine.” I lift my shoulders, letting them fall. “I didn’t like it. Satisfied?”

A sly grin twists up the corners of his mouth, and his teeth graze lightly on his bottom lip. “Very much so," he says, his tone low and sultry.

“Good. Now that it’s settled, I have to go find Scar.” I grab my coat and slip it on. God, I hate lying. I hate it so damn much. These lies are bound to catch up to me, just like they did last night with Maddox. The reminder pains me, but I can’t think about that right now.

“Want me to walk you?” he asks.

“Nah, I’ll be fine. Thanks, though.”

Ridge leans in and presses a chaste kiss to my cheek. “Can I see you later?”