Page 31 of You Will Bow

Butterflies flutter through my stomach and I can’t help the smile that draws on my face. “Sure.”

“Great. Text me when you’re back.”

I am so screwed.



Keeping a safe distance,I follow her down the wooded trail. Her black winter coat is fastened tightly around her, the white fur-lined hood bobbing up and down as she moves. Branches hang overhead, a mixture of autumn colors falling rapidly. Thankfully the sun is still hanging in the sky, making it easier to get a clear view of her as she moves away from campus, and deeper down the path.

My heart sinks low in my chest with each step Riley takes, and my eye twitches as her lie replays in my head. I fucking knew she wasn’t being honest about that text she got. My mind wanders to who it could have been—Maddox, Lev, or maybe it really was Scar and they’re both up to something.

Riley stops walking and I hurriedly slide behind a tree in the nick of time. My hands jam tightly into the pockets of my jeans and I flip the black hood of my sweatshirt up on my head. I press my back snug to the trunk, turning my head slightly and peeping around it. Once I see that she’s walking again, I duck out from behind the tree and keep following her.

When she takes the turnoff onto the desolate road on the outskirts of campus, my pulse quickens.

“Where the hell are you going, Angel?”

Headed in the direction of the building where Cade is, my first thought is that she’s going there and that maybe she’s onto us. But when she passes by it, only stealing a couple small glances at the tall brick structure, my worries are put to rest.

We’ve had Cade bound for over two weeks now, feeding and watering him daily. I’ve been questioned countless times as to why he’s still alive after what he did to my girl, and the truth is, I can’t tell them why he’s still here. I’ve drilled the guy repeatedly, hoping he’ll crack, but he’s held tight to his innocence. Claims it wasn’t him that drugged Riley or pushed Zeke from her window.

Normally I wouldn’t buy the sob story bullshit, but something in my gut tells me he’s being honest. Cade’s a fucking prick, to say the least. He’s your typical jock, only worse. He’s drugged girls and taken advantage of them. Parties like a fucking animal. He’d be the prime suspect in almost anyone’s eyes, especially given his past encounters with Riley. But my intuition is pretty spot on most of the time and I fear that if I end him now, I might never find out who really did do this to Riley. And once I’m certain, mark my fucking words, they will pay—be it Cade, or someone else.

My phone buzzing in the pocket of my jacket has me bolting into the rubble on the side of the road. I steal one more glance at Riley, making sure she didn’t hear or see me. And when I’m sure she didn’t, I crouch down near a bush and take my phone out.

Maddox: 10-33

Son of a bitch!

10-33 is our code for an emergency, and fuck if Maddox doesn’t overuse the stupid numbers. He, Lev, and I made a deal that, no matter what, if one of us texts that, we drop everything and go. The thing is, Maddox uses it for the dumbest shit. I can never tell if he’s really in trouble or if he’s just having a panic attack that’ll pass by the time I get to him. He worries more than anyone I fucking know.

Instead of rushing to him, I send a text back to make sure this is legit.

Me: If this is something ridiculous, I will hunt you for dinner.

I stand up and step around the bush, not realizing how long I’ve been down. Riley is nowhere in sight. With my phone in hand, I jog down the gravel road.

As I move quickly, trying to catch up before I lose her, I read Maddox’s response.

Maddox: Get the fuck here! NOW! I’m at the warehouse.

I slow my stride to a brisk walk, realizing I’ve already lost Riley. Then I look over my shoulder, seeing the top floor of the warehouse I just passed peeking through the trees.What the hell is he doing there?

“Dammit,” I grumble as I spin on my heel and head back in the direction I came, still pissed I missed where my angel was heading.

Me: You’re timing is fucking impeccable.

Sometimes I feel like he does this shit on purpose. Always interrupting what I have going on. Especially when it involves Riley. Wouldn’t surprise me if he saw us pass by from a window in the old building and came up with some lame excuse to make me turn around. He’s lucky I’m a loyal friend.

When he left me that angry voice message, I was truly worried he was done with me. All those years of friendship, plotting to reign together, and hiding in the darkwere close to being washed down the drain. But, in true Maddox form, once he sobered up, he came to realize I didn’t do this to hurt him. Riley was mine first, and she will be mine—forever.

I steal a look over my shoulder. It’s not often I lose her, but it’s becoming habitual now that Lev and Maddox are in her life. Seems the closer I get to her, the farther they try to pull her back.

I quickly tap on my phone as I walk toward the property, sending a message to Maddox. The trees guarding the entrance of the old warehouse have multiple layers of no trespassing signs posted on them, and even more signs on the outside of the brick walls. This place is like an island in a grassy sea with the woods about thirty yards away from its four sides. No one else comes here, at least not that we’re aware of. Which is odd considering it’s so close to campus, and the perfect location for students to throw parties. It’s sort of the reason I mentioned making use of the empty space.

Me: Are you with him?