Page 29 of You Will Bow

“Yeah. He is.” My voice is solemn and I nod in response.

“But why are you asking me this, Ry. Maybe you should be asking yourself whatyouthink of Ridge?”

Rose are red,

Violets are blue.

I caught feelings for a psycho,

and I don’t know what to do.

“Yeah.” I pick at the wood some more. “You’re probably right.”

“Well,” Scar slaps her hand over mine and I’m forced to stop the nervous habit, “what is it? Do you like him?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe.”

“Oh dear God, Ry. Of all the guys, why him?”

“I don’t understand it either. It’s like one day he was just…there. Then he was always there. Then he got annoying. Then sweet.” I find myself smiling the more I talk about him. “Then suddenly, he wasn’t there as much, and I missed him.” My hands fly to my face and I rest my elbows on the table. “I know it’s crazy.”

“Well, he was your first, so it’s possible you’re just clinging to that instead of having actual feelings for him.”

I never really thought of it that way.

“Yeah,” I say, stopping short when I move my hands from my face and I see him. Standing tall, about six feet away, talking with two girls I don’t recognize. My heart quivers as jealousy has my chest caving in. Ridge doesn’t interact with other girls often, so this feeling is somewhat foreign to me.

He hasn’t even looked in our direction, so I’m led to believe he doesn’t know I’m here.

A smile parts his lips, and one of the girls laughs. Ridge says something, while using his hands as he speaks.

“So, is it safe to assume the hickey you tried to cover on your neck is from Ridge?”

Her words slip right through my ears as I focus on the man in question.

Are those girls flirting with him?

One of the girls reaches out and squeezes his bicep, but he takes a step back, a look of annoyance now on his face.

I swing my legs over the bench of the picnic table and stand up.

Scar asks me what’s wrong, but I ignore her, making a beeline for Ridge and his new friends.

“Don’t touch me again,” I hear him say to the girl.

“Oh, come on.” She giggles, grabbing his arm again.

“Hey!” I shout, making my presence known. “Pretty sure he said not to touch him.” My blood is fucking boiling to the point of explosion.

I stalk up to the group, my hands firmly on my hips.

“Who the hell are you?” the touchy girl asks with her nose in the air.

Not a fan of her attitude, I walk into her, bumping my chest with hers. “Who the fuck are you?”

“All right, Angel,” Ridge puts a hand on my hip and attempts to diffuse the situation by leading me away, “they’re just a couple nobodies. Don’t waste your time on them.”

“Nobodies?” The girl laughs. “I’m the headmaster's daughter, so I’m most definitely somebody.” Her lip curls in disgust, while my fists clench at my sides. “Why don’t you take your Barbie doll bitch away, before you both find out what I’m capable of?”