Page 24 of It Has To Be You

Apparently, if she was destined for anything, it was to hit a dead end. Between Nick and August, she couldn’t catch a break. It certainly didn’t help that any time she tried to picture August, she’d see the curl of Ethan’s mouth.

And she honestlywastrying to bump into Nick. With Ethan’s insider knowledge, she had taken to having brunch at Nick’s favorite spot regularly, but so far, no dice.

It couldn’t simply be coincidence. Maybe the first time. Even a second. But to miss Nick by minutes seven times in two weeks? No way.

Indy pushed away from her desk. Everything behind her eyes was tight, a rubber band snapping harshly against her brain.

Her deadline was in three weeks, and though she’d spent the last four hours writing, something was still missing.

With headphones on, the world disappeared immediately, and she gently covered her eyes with her hands.

Soon, the noise canceling effect reduced her world down to her heartbeat and her breath. In, two, three, four. Out. Slowly, slowly, until the choir of echoes in her mind tuned itself into a single voice.

Everything was going to be fine.

Please, give me a sign.

* * *

Indy:I saw that Nick is in London on a work trip. Arrived yesterday. He really shouldn’t post so much about his location.

Ethan:Ever thought of joining the CIA?

Indy:Don’t think they’d hire me once they saw my search history.

Ethan:Tell me more…

Indy:I’m going to ignore that.

Indy:Looks like he’s gone for two weeks. So you can breathe a sigh of relief, because I won’t need to pester you.

Ethan:You can’t get rid of me that easily.

Indy reread his message. Then again. It was difficult for her to trust his sincerity, but Ethan was nothing if not irritatingly up-front. Still. It didn’t matter how often he showed her how much he enjoyed her company once the peanut gallery of fears started whispering to her.He’s only being nice. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. He’s taking pity on you.

It would be so easy to leave it there, wait for him to prove he meant what he said, but waiting made her more anxious. Better to know now. Then she could start mourning the loss of his friendship and be done by next year.

After typing and deleting and rewriting her reply four times, she finally pressed Send.

Indy:Sash and I are watching the game tonight. Feel like watching a winning team for a change?

Her pulse skittered as she waited for him to type.

Ethan:Only if you go easy on the Lions slander.

Indy:I promised no more lies, Ethan.

When he sent back a series of emojis in reply, Indy forced herself back to work. And if her cheeks hurt from smiling, well, no one had to know.

* * *

Indy raced to the door on unsteady legs, her oversized jersey engulfing her.

“Fair warning, we aren’t going to hold back just because you’re here.”

Ethan laughed, an appreciative smile forming as he gave her a once-over. “I can handle it.”

Damn, he looked good. Soft and rumpled and perfect for cuddling.