Page 25 of It Has To Be You

“You’re a Lions fan. You’ve had the practice.”

“Easy there, tiger,” Ethan said. “Just wait until it’s your turn.”

Her face was on fire. “I can take you.”

For a moment, there was nothing except the sound of Ethan’s breathing and her heart beating in her ears.

“I have no doubt,” he said.

“If you’re going to flirt, can you at least bring me food first?” Sasha called from the couch.

Indy flushed and pulled in a deep breath, hoping to slow her racing heart. It was just dinner. And a game. With her best friend and her… Ethan.

It’d be fine.


* * *

Despite Ethan’s terrible taste in basketball teams, it was fun. After her pride and joy won the game with a three-pointer buzzer shot, it finally began to sink in that maybe, just maybe, Ethan had meant it when he said he wasn’t going anywhere.

When he opened the freezer, he stopped short. “All you have in here is ice cream and booze.”

Sasha didn’t miss a beat. “What else would we keep in there? Our hope for reduced student loans? Because we had to throw that out with the last administration. Along with free birth control.”

Ethan pushed the door closed with his elbow and spun. “I’m not touching that one.”

“Smart choice, Superman,” Sasha said. “Don’t worry. Unlike Indy, I won’t hold your terrible taste in basketball teams against you. Mostly, I feel sorry for you, because you’ve had to watch them lose over and over and over—”

As Ethan sank back into the seat beside her, Indy was once again all too aware of the heat of him, his thigh only inches from her own.

“Thanks,” he said, dryly. “I appreciate you keeping things polite.”

And when Sasha winked at her, it clicked. It may only be temporary, but for a moment, everything was right with the world.

* * *

Indy:What’s a word that means suggesting but isn’t optional?

Ethan:Demanded. Needed. Required. Expected.

Indy:Ooh, expected! Thanks. This scene is driving me crazy. My editor said that the reason she goes with him isn’t strong enough. I know what I’m trying to achieve, but getting it on the page isn’t that easy.

Ethan:You need to take a break. Let your mind relax.

Indy:HA. What is this break you speak of?

Ethan:Do me a favor. For the next hour, no phone or laptop allowed. Instead, do something that makes you happy. Eat, sleep, take a walk. Nothing work-related.

Ethan:Indulge in your own pleasure.

Ethan:I expect a full report afterward.

Indy:Yes, sir.

