Page 23 of It Has To Be You

* * *

Ethan:Kid in my class just said that the weather is different in the southern hemisphere because there’s more ocean there, and I can’t decide if he’s trolling me or not.

Indy:Huh. I just googled it and he’s right. I never knew that. You have a genius on your hands.

Two hours later

Ethan:That genius just glued himself to the desk.

* * *

Sash draped herself over the back of the couch, setting her chin on Indy’s shoulder. Her black curls tickled Indy’s cheek. “Still no sign of Nick?”

Indy shook her head. “I don’t understand it.”

“What, fate?”

“Yes. First it helps me find the bracelet, which led me to his office.”

“And Ethan.”

“Then his apartment—”

“And Ethan again.”

“Oh shush. Anyway, every time I get close to Nick, I miss him by minutes. Like I’m being kept away from him. But that doesn’t make any sense. And now he’s on the other side of the planet.”

“Maybe the universe doesn’t want you to meet yet.”

Indy frowned. “But then why send me after him in the first place?”

Sasha climbed over to sit beside her. “I thought you said the laws of destiny weren’t meant to be understood. That’s what made them so magical.”

Indy huffed. She was sick of mysterious. She wanted clarity. “Right now they’re being annoying.”

“So impatient. Oh no, my soulmate has gone away and I’m forced to spend time with his extremely attractive cousin who never stops flirting with me.” Sasha laughed. “It sounds awful.”

Indy threw her hands up. “This is exactly what I’m talking about. Every time I go looking for Nick, Ethan is there. I scroll through his socials, Ethan messages. I don’t know what’s going on.” She groaned. “Pass me the ice cream.”

Sasha handed her the pint of mint chip, a second spoon already at hand.

Indy dug a large scoop from the container and shoved the whole thing into her mouth. “Lori replied today,” she said around the ice cream, her words barely intelligible.


“She said I’ve mentioned August’s big hands too many times.”

“Oh really? Thinking of anyone in particular? A certain teacher, perhaps?”

Indy licked her spoon clean. “Any resemblance to persons, alive or dead, is merely coincidental.”

Sasha snorted.

* * *

Whatever Indy had expected from Fate, this hadn’t been it.

Over the next week, Nick, the only man she’d ever called her future, stayed out of reach, while Ethan popped up with alarming regularity. As if a floodgate had opened.